New Diagnosis - Bilateral Breast Cancer with bilateral mastectomies.

  • 4 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself and seek some support.

I am 50 years old - I was diagnosed with a grade 3 ER+ Her2 negative ductal carcinoma on 5th January 2024.

An MRI was performed and that has actually shown 5 tumours in my left breast and one in my right breast.

I saw the consultant yesterday and she biopsied the right lump which she thinks is highly likely cancer.

I am going in on Monday for bilateral sentinel node biopsies and planned for bilateral mastectomies on 5th February.

I am at a loss to now what to think.

I feel so sorry for my husband, children, friends and family that I am putting them through this.

The thought of bilateral mastectomies makes me really sad - depends on lymph node biopsies if i can have an immediate reconstruction.

I am not sure what anyone can say but just want to write and not lurk about.

Thanks for reading


  • Hello and sorry you find yourself here but you will get support from those who have been in your position and lived to tell the tale.  If you click on a posters name it will hopefully tell you their journey if they've filled in their profile.  

    You are not putting anyone through this trauma.  You've done nothing wrong, it's not the food you ate, the deodorant you used, the marathon you didn't run.  

    Hopefully someone who's been through a mastectomy will come along with practical advice /information xx

  • Hi Netty2201,

    I am sorry you are going through this. I found a lump in my right breast but the mammogram showed something in the left breast (all in mid October 23). I had 3 biopsies taken at my initial appointment.  Cancer was confirmed at the beginning of November but the left breast needed more biopsies.  Two more followed and it turned out the left breast was pre cancerous.  I had a ct scan 10 days before Christmas which showed it hadn't spread but there were two nodules on the chest wall so they will be removed. I am booked in for a right breast masectomy plus full lymph node removal and a lumpectomy on the left on Wednesday,  my 53rd birthday.  I can not wait to have the cancer removed but I'm not going to lie, I am getting quite nervous now. I'm working on the fact it can't be any worse than a c section which I've had two of and found them manageable.

    The last three months have been a whirl wind and I know I will be having chemo and radiotherapy going forward. I am getting over each hurdle as it happens.I will  let you know how it is when I get on the other side.

    Take care

  • Thank you for your reply.

    i am sorry you have had a long few months too.

    i am having my bilateral node biopsy surgery on Monday which is my 51st birthday!!

    Hope all goes well on Wednesday and we can become cancer free!


  • You too.....Happy Birthday for Monday x