Radiology and bloods

  • 15 replies
  • 269 subscribers

Hello everyone

 I am seeing radiologist next week and AM having bloods taken beforehand is this normal?

 I'm a very anxious person and this is my first time seeing radiologist after finishing chemo.

 Thank you x

  • dont know, tbf had so many blood tests forget how it went

    do you have a port? is the radiologist asking? how long ago was chemo

    so many things may be a reason, not just radiologist, first visit was just a how do you do, this is what it is and side effects and then ct to get marks for radio, then done. saw them shortly after chemo, usually 4-6 weeks after chemo is radio

  • Thank you. It's just me worrying as usual.

     I'm not coping very well and am tired of being scared.

     Every appointment sends me into a huge meltdown.

     I'm not sure where to turn to anymore

  • Hi Jax, I don't think I had bloods taken before seeing the radiologist, but I can’t be 100% certain as it's some time ago and I had so many bloods tests it is difficult to remember.

    Is there anything we can do here to help you cope better?  Don't forget the lovely folks at Macmillan are at the end of the phone if you want to chat anything though. You can call the, on 0800 808 0000.  Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you. I'm so fed up of everything.

  • Hi Jax, I'm with you. 

    Do you know what scan is the radiologist doing on the day (CT/MRI, with/without contrast)?

    It is very routine practice, even for routine non-cancer scans done with contrast, to have some bloods done prior. This helps them look at the kidney function to make sure the dye will wash out quick enough and won't linger in your system forever. These bloods are done for scans for even minor things so please don't worry. And incase you start worrying about your kidney function now, trust me you would have known kidney issues if they were there. Hope this helps

    But if the scan is of any other type etc then I'm not sure

  • Thank you. 
    Yes that does help.

     How do you cope mentally with all of this? Any tips gratefully received xx

  • Hi Jax,

    We all struggle, your anxiety is normal. The waiting is the hardest. I’m a year on and I have times when my anxiety levels are raised. I don’t talk to anyone in the real world about them as I don’t want family or friends to worry. I now go to appointments on my own as I then feel free to voice my concerns. In time I am learning to live with my cancer diagnosis, I have accepted that life is uncertain and try to live in the moment as none of us know the future. Sending a virtual hug.

  • Oh thank you Shade. You are si much stronger than I am and I take my hat off to you.

    Do u do any relaxation techniques? 
    I have OCD (although in recovery) but it rears it's ugly head now and again which doesn't help!


  • Hi Jax007 - look at - on there are some relaxation techniques and also it informs you about radiotherapy too - this was sent to me by the hospital I’m having my radiotherapy- the website was set up by former patients x

  • Hi Jax, 

    I don’t do any relaxation techniques but I do get outside everyday. I walk by myself or with a friend and I’m in a mature ladies cycle group. For me exercise and being outdoors is my relaxation technique. Since I found my lump I’ve become tea total. I was never a heavy drinker but as I’ve had chemo and I’m now on Abemaciclib for 2 years I’ve stopped. I do miss a glass of wine and I don’t know if it makes any difference but exercise is now my only form of relaxation (apart from seeing friends and family). Keep your self busy if you can, I have my moments of despair as we all do. You will get through this. Best wishes.