Lumpectomy result

  • 5 replies
  • 266 subscribers

Hi all

I had my lumpectomy in November and went to see the surgeon on the 21st of December and was told that fortunately they removed it all and the margins were clear, also no lymph node involved. My tumor was very small approx 5mm and was an IDC, so now it's radiotherapy and then tablets for 5 years.

I've just had my letter from the hospital but was very surprised when it said they also found and removed a 20mm DCIS!! 

Has anyone else found out they had more than one tumor later? Not a word was mentioned throughout the whole process and my mind is now in overdrive wondering if they missed something else and wishing now I had a mastectomy instead. 

I was very calm throughout the whole process but now I'm stressed Disappointed relieved

  • Hello Tash150,  I also had small 3mm idc tumor and had about 6mm DCIS when Surgeon went over pathology report with me.  Don’t think it is uncommon.  Had my surgery done 11/15/2021 and radiation and on anastrazole.  Also had DCIS in right breast and that was about 19mm so radiation to both but glad I have my breasts and I know how stressful it can be when surprised by something else but sounds like you had very appropriate care.  I know it is easy for me to say don’t worry but if you need reassurance call your Dr office and discuss.  I live in Florida so no national healthcare system here.  
    Take care



  • Hi Barbara

    I think what surprised me was that they didn't tell me about it I just read it in the letter they sent to my doctor. It would have been good to hear it from the surgeon xx

  • Please please please don't fret over this. I was in much the same position as you a month or so back. I had a 7mm IDC removed. Clear margins and no lymph node involvement. Afterwards I was told by my surgeon that the IDC was found within 15mm of DCIS. When I questioned this, I was told that this is in fact very common. IDC is commonly found within DCIS and also (surprisingly) it gives us a better prognosis than NOT finding it contained within DCIS!! 

    Anyway, all of my DCIS and IDC were removed and my treatment plan is radiotherapy and hormone blockers for five years. The important thing to remember is that they are the experts, they see this every single day and they know what is the best treatment plan for us. 

    Also remember DCIS is not invasive but they have removed it anyway to be in the safe side. Please be reassured xx

  • I think I'm just more annoyed that they didn't tell me about it and I read it in a letter to my GP xx

  • I understand what you mean.  In person you can ask questions etc.  

