Breast cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 267 subscribers

I was diagnosed  with a breast cancer in September -oestrogen positive only,very small 0.9 cm.After the surgery and the biopsy  it was found in  one of the sentinel nodes-2mm.

The oncologist told me that the chemotherapy will be of a very tiny benefit due to the nature of my cancer.
Although i have agreed to have chemotherapy i am still not sure to have this chemo or not?

Does anyone has a similar experience?

  • Sorry you are going through this but your tumor is smallish and the area in the node was small. Did they do an oncotype test to see if you would benefit from chemotherapy ?

    I don’t know how old you are but I believe if over 70 no chemo for early BC and since you are estrogen positive you will be given hormone blockers?  Did they mention radiation?



    • Yes , the initial plan was radiotherapy and hormonal therapy after the surgery. I was offered the oncotype test but is very expensive and i can’t afford it.Oncologist as well said to me that chemotherapy would be  only of a small benefit but it’s up to me.So i have decided for full treatment .I will have chemotherapy for 4 cycles-3 months.I have another appointment tomorrow with the oncologist and will take the final decision.
  • Oh I understand.  Another thing to check is the Ki67 which is a marker of how aggressive the cancer is.  If the number is low means slow growth and chemo would not be advised.  It is done by the pathologist and the Dr will know the answer.  


  • Thank you,Barbara for the advice.Ill ask my oncologist about itFingers crossedFour leaf clover