Last day of Radiotherapy.

  • 8 replies
  • 272 subscribers

Hi, all you lovely people.  Yesterday was my last day of radiotherapy.  Grinning.  5 days instead of the usual 15 which was so much easier to cope with.  I am glad they can do that now.  Overall I found it ok.  The travelling to and fro was a bit monotonous and delays when you got there were a bit frustrating.  But the treatment was better than I imagined and I have to say the NHS staff were so lovely all week.  I made them some cupcakes to celebrate and say thank you to them all.  It was a shame they do not have a ‘bell’ to ring at the end of treatment, but we celebrated anyway, hubby and me.  So for me that’s the end of treatment and hopefully in remission now for 5 years.  I wish you all the very best for your treatments and hope it all works out well for you in the end.  Onwards and upwards brave people.  Sending big hugs to you all xx

  • Wow well done.wishing you many many happy years.big hugs.x

  • I am just starting this journey with plan for lumpectomy and 1 week of radiotherapy, diagnosed Thursday , am glad to hear it was ok they said it could wipe me , good luck to you x 

  • Thank you xx. I’m sorry you are just starting this journey, but you will get there and you will be stronger for it.  The radiotherapy does make you tired and I did feel a bit nauseous after it, but they said that was unusual as not near my head or stomach.  Could have just been anxiety or the travelling.  They do say the fatigue can kick in 10-14 days after, so I will see how it goes.  I hope it’s not too bad.  But overall it was not too bad an experience.  I wish you well with your op, results and radiotherapy.  Take care xx

  • Thank you so much , hope you feel much better soon , did you have lumpectomy? I have stage 1 ductal invasive cancer , caught early on routine mammogram thank the lord x 

  • Hi Orchid23

    Congratulations on finishing your treatment.

    Wishing you the best of luck with the future.

    Best wishes


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  • Thank you xx. Yes I had two lumpectomies, 2nd one because they did not get clear enough margins, but all ok in the end. I was diagnosed with grade 2 IDC and like you caught early and small, after routine mammogram, so a bit of a shock.  HER2 negative and clear lymph nodes, so no chemo or mastectomy required, which was good.  So I feel blessed too, that it was caught early.  It was downgraded to grade 1 after first results xx

  • Thank you so much Daisy, wish you all the very best for your treatments xx 

  • Thanks Orchid23. xx

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