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Anyone on tdm1 … kadcyla for life ok like a bad penny here. I feel like in no mans land every three weeks ..tdm1 etc on it till stops working . But I feel at 50 4 years nearly I can’t apply to work . Was a full time mum then went back to study but cancer got in way. Now who is going to employ me whilst on indefinite treatment. Not to mention side effects or previous as in inflammatory arthritis. I don’t have liver bones etc but had it progress to neck . I feel people in my situation should have the same access to support . I qualified medically but my husband slightly over threshold so I’m worth nothing. I’m educated have raised three tax payers .. who could go anywhere in world. I have two younger kids who need to be raised so reluctant to stop therapy. I just feel like a cow in the field just valued on someone else’s income. I’m lucky my husband decent he helps all our kids but I didn’t want to be dependent. I could scream at times . Anyone get this. Why is it acceptable on long term treatment you are not seen as an individual but financially belong to your partner no matter how great they are. It’s wrong as it not a position anyone wants to be in. No dignity for us … sorry for rant as can’t see end of this rodeo 

  • Hi Lovejellies welcome to the forum. Hope you feel better having gotten that out and onto here. I wonder if you felt able to that you could pick up the phone and speak to one of the work/welfare Advisors at Macmillan and have a chat with them to see if there is anything  that could be claimed by you to help. 08088080000.   


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