Her2+ breast cancer recurrence treatment

  • 11 replies
  • 265 subscribers

Hi everyone, I’m new here! I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021.Her2+ only. 3cm tumour 4 nodes involved. Had a lumpectomy, margins weren’t clear so had a second lumpectomy. Margins clear second time. Was planned to have 6 cycles of doxetaxol and carboplatin every 3 weeks. And herceptin every 3 weeks also for 17 rounds. Unfortunately I only managed 2 cycles of doxetaxol due to a reaction so my remaining 4 cycles were carboplatin only and herceptin. I also had 20 rounds of radiation. I finished all treatment in November 2022 and by end of June this year I was diagnosed with local recurrence. I had a bilateral Masectomy 4 weeks ago and have been told I will need further chemo but can’t have radiation on same area again so soon. I meet with my medical oncologist next week but just wondering in the meantime what chemo I might be offered this time around. Any advice would be great so I can research it before I meet with the team. Thank you in advance Sunglasses