Blood stained nipple discharge

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  • 285 subscribers

I am currently waiting on my appointment at the clinic.  I was seen two years ago for lumps ans breast pain. My implants (nhs fitted for asymmatry) were removed but capsules left behind as I couldnt lift my arm up.  Lumps were said to be fat lumps and not tested (should have been as my implants were textured and should have been checked for BIA - ALCL. 

Fast forward two years and my lumps have got bigger.  Slught puckering when  i lift my arm up and last couple of months I felt a pulling sensation behind my nipple.  Last weekend I noticed a blood stained nipple discharge.  It isnt heavy and it is not constant.  GP said there is no infection and reffered me as urgent to breast clinic.  As it isnt constant I have been keeping photos of whenever I see it.  

I am worried I wont be taken seriously.  Seeing blood coming out your nipple isnt  easy.  Any advice on what I should be asking when I finally get this urgent appointment through? 

    1. Do insist on being thoroughly checked! It will make all the difference and is very important for your own piece of mind! Hug, x
  • Thank you.  I am making sure I take photos to show them.

    S Mc

  • Hello Sars,  I am sorry to hear you are dealing with this stress.  Back in 2011 I had bloody nipple discharge from left breast.  Was very scared.  My GYN ordered mammo and ultrasound and said to see breast surgeon.  Ordered diagnostic mammogram and had ultrasound.  Radiologist was able to express a small amount of bloody discharge.  Breast surgeon wanted me to discontinue HRT and said she could biopsy duct if it continued.  Nothing was seen on mammograms or ultrasound.  I also followed up for another opinion and he said that all looked fine on the exam and told me that if I noticed bleeding again to apply nu skin to the nipple area and come to see him and he could do biopsy in the right area.  Thank God the bleeding stopped but 10 years later I got breast cancer in that breast.  
    I would make sure they do a thorough exam and testing.  All the same testing that they do for anything suspicious in the breast.  I agree about the textured implants as they are a risk factor.  Hope all goes well and you get appointment very quickly.  I live in Florida and it is easy to get appointments as have private insurance.  
    Hugs to you.



  • Thank you.  I will make sure I push for tests. 

    S Mc

  • Hi Sars87, Sorry to hear about this.  Back in May 2020 I had bloody discharge from my right nipple, totally out of the blue, mid lockdown and panic set in. I was referred to the breast clinic a week later for a mammogram this found a haematoma, cause unknown and still unknown but not related to the nipple bleed which was weird.  After further tests they confirmed no cancer but wanted to do a Hadfields Procedure which was to removed the milk ducts, which I had done in July 2020 which resolved the issue.  Unfortunately on routine check ups on the haematoma which was improving and shrinking they found tumours and in Jan 2022 I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  To my knowledge not related to the nipple bleed 2 years earlier.  I had a lumpectomy and bilateral mammoplasty in Feb 2022 and 1st mammogram in Jan this year all clear.   The breast clinic will listen to you and take you seriously, they will probably do a mammogram I had one and an ultrasound can't remember if that was same day or another appointment.  I asked what they thought it was and they said possibly blocked milk duct I vaguely remember saying they were wart like lumps in the ducts and that's what it was.  No question is silly so ask whatever springs to mind.  All the best, hope you get your appointment soon.  x

  • Hi this was my symptom I could not feel a breast lump but had a brown coloured discharged. Happy to answer any questions xx

  • I am so sorry you went through this. 

    I had my appointment and was dismissed rather quickly over my concerns. Ultrasound showed enlarged ducts but told all else was fine and sent home.  I did bring up that DCIS doesnt always show on ultrasound but radiologist said the Dr said no mammogram.   Its good ultrasound was clear but given my issues with the breast I would have felt more comfortable with a mammogram just to be 100% sure. 

    S Mc

  • Hi sars 

    how are you? Did you get any further with the bleeding? In a similar situation. Awaiting breast clinic for scans. Petrified