
  • 45 replies
  • 286 subscribers

Hi All

Been taking abemaciclib for two weeks with severe sickness and diarrhoea. Was sent to hospital with acute renal failure. Was told to stop taking immediately. Seeing consultant tomorrow am dreading going back on but guessing I’ll get lower dosage.  Am worried this won’t make any difference.  The sickness was so bad, even the strong anti sickness wasn’t working.  Has anyone else had these issues and Will taking 100mg make that much difference.  Can anyone help

  • Hi I had sickness and diarrhoea intially but it has settled down and very rarely sick. It settled down after a few cycles. I’m still on 150mg twice a day, about to start my 8th cycle.

    Hope you get answers tomorrow  x

  • Hi 
    Thanks for response.  Guess I’m unlucky this time.  I really hope I can tolerate this as I know I will have to go back on it. Obvoisky for my own benefit xx

  • Hi sorry you have had bad time I have taken this drug on and off since January still few issues I'm on 100mg have achey joints not great appetite fuzzy head  mornings but other than that ok try lower dose see how you go xx

  • Hi Tracey how did you get on with your oncologist? I sadly had to stop taking the  Abemaciclib as it was making me so ill. I even tried 50mg . I hope you have more luck . Wishing you all the best x 

  • Hi BT

    They have given me another week off and will put me back on 100mg which I’m not looking forward to.  They also said they could try 50mg.  I explained about sickness which for me is the worst part.  Pensivem dreading it and thinking I may be like you.  Too harsh for me.  What to do Pensive

  • Hi mere

    Glad your still coping even though still hard.  It’s the sickness for me and if I had renal failure after two weeks I’m dreading starting back.  Jesus what next.  Good luck to you xx

  • Hi Tracey, I know it's all not nice I take and try forget but symptoms scarey .  Did they say renal failure from the drug ? X


  • Hi Tracey I’m sorry you are feeling unwell. It’s so strange I had a lot of chemo and coped well but these tablets were terrible I had every side effect then I got an infection made me feel quite illPrayAnd everyone kept commenting on how unwell I looked. I feel fine now . I hope you will be able to continue maybe your body will  get used to the drug Pray. I just wish these drugs were kinder !

    Please stay in touch and let me know how you get on . Xx 

  • Hi Mere

    yeah Definately the drugs.  I hate to say it but worse than chemo at least with that we knew it would end and we would feel better.  I’m so sad  right now that I thought I had done all the hard work but it seems I got a long way to go xx

  • Hi Tracey, this drug is for two years I know it's very hard and side effects not nice at all , ask if can try 50mg see how you get on . definitely going to ask to go to 50mg.if  Not happy at some stage . Take care xx