Abemaciclib and hair loss

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  • 269 subscribers

Hiya going to start Abemaciclib this month.

Just got my hair back ....Will I lose my hair again ?

Anybody got any side effects?


  • I’m on day 4 and no hair loss or side effects beyond tiredness yet - there are lots of threads on this so you can search for those but I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone actually losing their hair - some have said it’s a bit thinner (but that can be down to the AIs rather than Abemaciclib) or doesn’t grow as fast…

  • I’m 14 months in and no hair loss. Hair seems to be doing ok despite Abemaciclib and Letrozole. Main side effect was diarrhoea in the first 2-3 months but absolutely fine now. All in all, doing well and feeling well…

  • This is encouraging to hear, I have started on Letrozole this week ,waiting for radiotherapy and bisphosphonate infusions.Saw my oncologist yesterday who has offered the Abemaciclib ,the side effects are what is concerning me particularly the hair loss and I am considering refusing it . Making decisions about treatment as been by far the hardest .Reading this is helpful. thankyou

  • Hi, I'm on cycle, no hair loss, just growing slower

    I too struggled with making decions all through my treatment. In the end I thought abemaciclib gives me a chance of stopping a reacurrance, something that really worries me. 

    You are monitored really closely & they will stop the drug if any problems crop up.

    All the best x

  • Sorry should say cycle 6

  • I'm the same as kitty1, hair is growing very slowly. It is thickening and I have finally lost the post chemo wiryness but I'm not getting any length. I definitely think the Abemaclibib stunted growth in the beginning. I have just started cycle 6 but at a lower dose, 100mg, due to kidney function dropping. It'll be interesting to see if my hair starts growing quicker. 

  • Thankyou  kitty 1 and GalaQ ,what other side effects have you had  and have they been debilitating .?

    I am waiting to start my radiotherapy once its complete and I'm recovered from that I am hoping to be able to return to work .

    I am concerned that the other side effects will affect this and make it difficult to return .

  • Hi Kazan, it's really difficult weighing g up possible side effects vs potential benefits. After my lymph node clearance  I had a total of 30/32 positive , so I was happy to have anything they could throw at me. 

    I was surprised how tired I was after radiotherapy, give yourself a few weeks to recover. The abemaciclib caused me fatigue too. About 2 months after radiotherapy and just as I started Abemaciclib I went back to childminding my grandhildren aged 18 months and 4. It's 2 or 3 days a week depending their parents shifts. I won't lie , on those days I am shattered by the evening and often the day after. However I do manage and exercise/walks help with the fatigue. 

    I have some joint pains especially in my wrists and ankles from Letrozole and stiffness. I find the Abemaclibib helps with that and reduces the hot flushes too, one upside to taking it.

    I have suffered with bouts of diahorrea a couple of times aweek with the Abemaciclib. Almost always in the late evening so it didn't stop me going out during the day or affect the childminding. Taking Immodium worked a treat and I rarely had to take more than the first dose. My consultant thinks it was causing g my kidney function problems so has dropped the dose. 

    It's hard to predict how you will be as we all react different. I think its great that you are planning on going back to work. Pace yourself going back and talk it through with them see if they can help with shorter days/ shifts to start with. 

    Sorry this is turning g into a full length novel! After my first Zoledonic acid infusion I felt like bad flu a d had to go to bed  but just the one else daye.  They say the first one is the worst, we'll see I have my next one in May. 

    Overall I think I have been "lucky" and wouldnt describe any of my side effects as debilitating. But I know it's different for other ladies, some are worse and some sail through it. I hope this helps. Reading  other women's stories on the forums and the way they cope with side effects is such a help. Best wishes.

  • Now on cycle 19 and hair is thining, with a couple of bold patches appearing.