Lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy

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I had a lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy yesterday I was just wondering how long people were off work with this sort of thing and when did they drive.

  • Hi Poucha. I’m retired but I was back to doing fairly normal things after three or four days. Tiredness does kick in but I think this is partly emotional stress. You shouldn’t lift anything and just be careful how much you do. I think they say you are ok to drive after a couple of weeks. The heart shaped breast cushions are very useful under your seat belt when in the car. Hope your recovery goes well.


  • Hi Poucha, think this varies enormously by individual and by location of the lumpectomy- I've heard of people being back driving after a couple of days, while others take a few weeks.  It usually takes about 2 weeks to get back to driving, but you need to do your exercises as they recommend and slowly build up from a gentle start.  I took a little longer to drive due to extensive bruising - had a small haematoma removed at 3 weeks and that made all the difference.  You may feel very tired tomorrow, as the anaesthetic leaves your system, but this will improve.  Take painkillers when you need them and especially before bedtime and use the heart shaped cushion to keep weight off your operation site - they are great.  Returning to work depends on your job as they say not to do any heavy lifting for 3 weeks.  If you have an office job, you should think about returning when the tiredness and pain has gone.  Am also retired, but could have worked from home after a week.  Hope your op went well and remember to do those exercises!

  • Hi , I agree with the messages above, it really does vary according to many factors, including location, size and depth of the excision, how you react to the anaesthetic, nature of your job. I had a lumpectomy 15 years ish ago which left a tiny scar and I was back to normal pretty much within a week. But my more recent wide local excision and sentinel node biopsy involved an incision 4-5 times longer down the side of my breast which took far longer to heal. A haematoma didn’t help but did slowly resolve. I’d been told I could drive after a week but it was far too painful, particularly to change gears. Changing into 5th gear still made me ‘ouch!’ for a few months. Yet some folk are back driving very quickly. As for work, I’d agree that if working from home doing non-physical stuff then as soon as you feel able. But in my case, having thought I’d be back in a couple of weeks (special needs teacher), the reality was that I had 4 months off! It felt very odd as I hadn’t had a day sick for years but I was lucky that my school were really supportive. And lucky that I had good sick pay of course, not everyone has that luxury. 
    Long and short…,, try to listen to and follow your body/ mind. It seems like a small ish op but it’s major surgery. If you can, take whatever time you feel you need. 
    Wishing you well and sending a big but gentle virtual hug your way, HFxx 

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi Poucha, 

    I hope you are feeling ok.  I agree with the other messages, it really is down to varying factors and I do think it depends on what kind of job you have. 

     I am 56 years old and 4 weeks post op for lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. I felt better than I expected at first and I loved  the heart shaped cushion, It helped me to get comfortable at night.

    The tiredness was a bit overwhelming but not too much pain, I used paracetamol and ibuprofen. I did my exercises and had good mobility in my shoulder and arm. 
    I was hoping to go back to work after 2 weeks, I felt like I was nearly  back to normal and I started driving about then too but my armpit and back of arm  was numb and I had ultra sensitive feeling which was uncomfortable. I also had a small, seroma and that was a bit tender. 
     I was pottering around in the house as normal but I felt too tired to work and be reliable. I felt more  ready to go back after 3 1/2 weeks but I work in a school and we had an outbreak of covid and sickness bug. My radiotherapy is due to start in a couple of weeks and half term is next week so I am still off work at present.  (4 weeks). 
    It feels strange for me to be off work as I’m lucky and haven’t been off work before. I am struggling to put myself first but my colleagues at work are very supportive, 

    I hope your recovery goes well and as I’m only a few weeks ahead please don’t hesitate to ask anything at all. 

    Please  look after yourself, do your exercises and don’t lift anything heavy. 

    take care 

    Sue x 

  • Thank you sue.  I am also 56 and I used to work in a school but now in a hospital.   I will see how I go.  I only day 1 feel OK bit sore but think anaesthetic probably still in system.   Take care

  • Yes forgot to say how important the exercises are. You may be different to me but I felt great first 36 hours after op but then had awful 24 hours where I was so tearful. I am almost six weeks post op and feel really good. Back to doing reasonable length walks, movement in arm fine and scar is looking really good. Good luck.

  • What is the heart shaped cushion? I have my lumpectomy next Friday!