Just starting on this journey.

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2 weeks after initial mammogram.I have just been seen seen in clinic after my core biopsys, I now am awaiting a vacuum biopsy, I have been told that my DCIS is 7cm diameter and high grade so probably need a mastectomy. I explained that I have had and continue to have lots of orthopaedic work and usually have IV sedation. The surgeon and nurse both told me that this is not an option. I also asked about reconstruction but was told that the surgeon will leave that for a year and if I still want this than it can be considered then.

I have large boobs 34GG and will look very uneven, I dont know what to think or do. 

  • Hello and sorry you have to deal with all these breast cancer decisions.  Did they discuss breast reduction with you for the unaffected breast.?  Can also do a lift too.  Can you see a plastic surgeon before surgery so you can discuss your options?  I understand what you mean about size difference.  I have the opposite issue as small breasts so had worries with that too.  I had lumpectomy on both breasts as had DCIS in right one and stage 1 invasive in the left.  They look fine but now a little smaller.  General anesthesia is the way to go for this type of operation.  Good luck with everything and just do all your research.  There are quite a few options for large breasted women.  


  • Hi 

    I too had high grade DCIS in right breast this time and around 9cm.

    I was really lucky that my breast surgeons used a technique to remove the area and reposition other breast tissue so there isn’t a dent. MDT suggested this or mastectomy with reconstruction. It was a difficult decision, but I’m pleased with the results. The scar I have is around the areola. I’m now having radiotherapy. I had previously had DCIS in left breast 8 years ago and the radiotherapy makes a reduction on that side high risk.  So I may end up slightly smaller on the right after radiotherapy. Im a 32E. 

    It maybe the position of your DCIS won’t be suitable for breast conserving surgery, but it’s worth talking through with surgeons and breast care nurses.

    I hope this helps. Good luck with your treatment.

    Best wishes, Karen 

  • sorry to hear that you are now in this really shit club but great it sounds like it has been caught relatively early.

    just to offer an alternative perspective, I am a week post-mastectomy and reconstruction which I had at the same time. I had already previously had three vacuum biopsies - unpleasant but not too bad and a wide local excision with lymph node biopsy which found a couple of 1-2mm tumours and 3mm DCIS.

    the normal route is just a short course of radiotherapy but I elected to have the surgery - a skin saving mastectomy with DIEP flap reconstruction. 8 days in, I am still on A LOT of painkillers and can’t walk more than about 20 mins BUT I still think it is the best decision I have ever made. Surgery was tough, for sure, but now… now, I can draw a big fat line under this thing and move on.

    Good  luck with your journey, you will get through it, but if you can, try and talk to a few people to figure out your options and work out what really matters to you.

  • Hi sorry to hear you’re dealing with DCIS.  I was diagnosed last year with high grade.  See my profile for info.  I was lucky enough to have a therapeutic mammoplasty.  The results are great - scars around nipple, under breast & up to nipple (think of an anchor) but fading fast.  I can have breast reduction on right side if I want but when I’m wearing a bra no one notices unless I tell them so no plans to do anything.  I have a friend who had a mastectomy for DCIS & she’s happy with results too.  Good luck.

  • Sorry trying to scroll through page & think I flagged you to moderatorRolling eyes

  • Hi , looks like we're in a similar boat. As  says, the shit/rubbish club we all wish we weren't members of!.

    I've just been diagnosed with DCIS too (10cm). Initially (US guided biopsy) was low grade, but mammogram guided found high grade. Waiting for my appointment with the surgeons at another hospital, I'd like to have a DIEP if I can (whoever knew that my pot belly would be a blessing..).  I've got 34 FF boobs too, so there's going to be a lot of work to get me looking any way balanced. 

    I'm shifting between feeling positive it's DCIS (so far) and been found, with the utter panic about having such huge surgery (I've never even had a tooth out..).  And all for what just looks like tiny grains of sand on my mammogram!  What are you thinking of doing, surgery wise, at the moment?  My friend (currently having chemo) was pleased with her implant reconstruction.Glad to hear your experience , do you have any suggestions about how to prepare for surgery?

  • Thank you barara. Everything is happening so fast that this is the first time I have been able to reply to people. I had more core biopsies yesterday, they cant get any from the chest wall area and have put 2 more markers in, the surgeon might accept that or she might ask for vacuum biopsy as the microcalcifications are "slippy".

    The surgeon has said that she only looks at reconstruction after a year has passed as she likes to sort out the initial problem first. 

    There is no ther option but general anaesthesia, I have asked my GP for preop valium for 3 days before the operation which she has written up for me.

    I am starting myseriou research today, I just had to get my head around it all.

  • Great idea to take Valium and get relaxed.  I remember that I got versed IV pre op snd I was totally chilled out.  The anesthesiologists are wonderful and they will take good care of you.  I get nauseated after anesthesia so they gave me medication for that IV too so I was fine.  
    things are a little different here in USA as often see a plastic surgeon pre op so decision can be discussed as to what the patient wants.  Every country has their protocol that they like to follow.  
    I wish you the best surgery and recovery.  General anesthesia is a blessing as don’t feel a thing.  Yeah!!


  • So sorry to hear this and happy to give any info/opinions about the DIEP flap surgery.

    Back in the day, I ran a few marathons (not for a few years now!) but honestly, I kind of thought about the op like preparing for a race… started eating more healthily, cutting right back on the coffee and wine (my two big vices!) and making sure I went for a little run or walk most days.

    I also took 1.5 weeks off work (I was supposed to isolate for 7 days before the op anyway) and used it for clearing out all the life crap (tax return, big declutter…) and hanging out with the kids.

    I also did some prep so I would have things to look forward to straight afterwards; stocked up on trashy novels and asked friends for good box set recommendations!

    I know everyone is different and I can’t say that the first few days were anything other than utterly vile… BUT it is 12 days later now and I am so so happy…. The pain is no more than slight discomfort, easily manageable with the good drugs, I am not juggling a million balls (work, kids etc) and have time for myself for the first time in decades, I can walk for up to 30 minutes already (albeit very slowly!) and am really really happy with the decision I made… 

    A couple of practical suggestions:

    - maybe buy a nighty with pockets for the drains, even though you will only need it for a day or two, it will make you feel better and help you get mobile 

    - take squash in, or something to add to the endless water you will be drinking!

    - just be kind to yourself and do what feels right for you….

    good luck and let me know how you get on!

  • Ha! It could well have been me and my fat thumbs.

    hope you are doing ok today?