Wire guided lumpectomy and SLNB

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Hi everyone

This is my first post in this group although I'm not new to cancer having been diagnosed with malignant melanoma in 2016.

After a routine mammogram about 5 weeks ago I got a recall letter. Now I was recalled last time and it turned out to be a cyst but I just felt that I wasn't going to be so lucky this time. Unfortunately my fears were justified as they found an area of DCIS and also a small lump. Interestingly the lump wasn't seen on the original mammogram, only the area which turned out to be DCIS, and was only picked up when the area they were concerned about was looked at more closely on my recall.

Anyway, I'm having a wire guided lumpectomy along with a SLNB on Friday and wanted to know what to expect from those of you who have already had this. I have to confess to feeling a little nervous about having a wire inserted into my breast and then having to sit around with this in me until it's my time for surgery. Could you feel it being inserted and could you feel it inside you before the op?

I have to be at the hospital for 7.30am but as the insertion of the wire isn't happening until 9.30am I'm obviously not going to be operated on first thing. How long did your operations last for and how uncomfortable were you afterwards? I'm pretty sure I know what to expect discomfort wise from the SLNB, as I had that when I had my operation for melanoma, but how painful was your breast area and how long did it last for?


  • Hi Latchback 

    im I’m on the 3 May for my op. I’m having a magseed out in tomorrow after my pre op.  and I think this is instead of a wire I’m not sure what the difference is. I have to go to two different hospitals on the 3 May. One for dye to be put in for sentinel node and then to another hospital for the operation. 
    just wish it was Tuesday now Heart️. I was told op would be 1-1.30 hours. 

  • Hi

    Thanks for replying. 

    I have to go to the hospital the day before my operation for the radioactive dye to be inserted. I've had this before and, if it's the same as last time, it was no more uncomfortable than having an injection.

    I don't know what the difference is between wire guided and having a Magseed. I was told that the wire was needed as the areas are so small, and can't be felt, that the surgeon would use the wire to show her the area that needs removing.

    All the best with your op next week.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi I had magseed at diagnosis and wire put in on day of operation. Truthfully I must sai I found it very uncomfortable due to the position I had to lie in against the machine and them pulling and flattening my breast. However this was because of where the lump was and due to size of breast, small to medium. They numbed the area twice and they were so professional and compassionate during it all. I then had to stand while they took more pictures and I couldn’t move. This was probably the only time I really felt sorry for myself and got quite teary. It lasted about half an hour and my legs were like jelly with stress of it all. But this might not be your experience and here I am, forgotten it all already. My surgery I think lasted 1 and half hrs approximately. Best wishes and you will be really taken care of x

  • Thanks hmfm 

    I was tagged at biopsy in two areas as both were small 5mm and 11mm. But have since been told I need a tag put in tomorrow. Would this be the wire.  
    feeling very anxious about op. Not op itself but results. Wish I could be more positive x 

    take care lovely ladies x 

  • I'm sorry to read that it was uncomfortable for you but at least I know that there might be a chance I'll find it uncomfortable too and won't worry that there's something wrong.

    I have to say that so far all the professionals that I've met have been such caring people. The nurses and doctors constantly checking that I'm not in pain while they carried out biopsies, etc.

    I think the part I'm really not looking forward to is waiting to go for surgery. The thought of the actual surgery itself doesn't really worry me, except I'm a bit squeamish at the thought of having the canula inserted, but from previous surgery I know that one minute I'll be lying there thinking 'this anaesthetic isn't working' and the next minute I'll be waking up!

    Thanks very much for replying


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Sorry, another question

    How long after you'd come round were you allowed to go home?

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Actually the results aren't something that I'm worrying about . The way I look at it is that I've already been told I have cancer so the results aren't going to change that. I realise that I might be told I need chemotherapy as well as radiotherapy but I'll cross that bridge if I come to it.

    You can only be as positive as you feel so don't beat yourself up if you're feeling down or anxious some of the time. We wouldn't be human if we didn't have down moments. I just try to occupy myself doing things I like. We have a campervan and last week we went away for 3 nights just over an hour from where we live. It was good to get away even just for a short time and, as I was isolating and couldn't go out for a meal, we had an afternoon tea delivered to us.

    It was fantastic and certainly took my mind off things while I munched my way through it. I would like to add that my husband had half of this and we couldn't eat it all in one go!


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Oh that looks delicious. So pleased your positive.  I’m a dongle parent and haven’t told my 12 year old so brave face in around him. Just gets you down on a night time by yourself with your thoughts. 
    hopefully this will subside after op and results. I can deal with the treatment. I think so anyway. The thought of it being anywhere else is what I overthink about. Although I try not to I can’t help it 

    Good luck for Friday not long to wait now. Please keep me updated x 

  • Hi Latchback

    I had a wire guided lumpectomy in mid-February.  I couldn't feel the wire at all; it was taped to me so didn't catch on anything.  I had the dye after that. The wire was inserted about 9-ish and sat about until 3.45 before I went to theatre, and I forgot about the wire during the wait, to be honest.  My op. lasted an hour and a half.  I hope all goes well for you.

  • I had wire inserted on day of surgery.  I was hospital A at 8.30am.  Wire inserted while I lay on a bed face down, with my breast hanging through a hole.  They worked on me underneath so I saw nothing and only felt a bit of pulling to put me into mammogram machine then a little scratch from local.  Wire fine and was coiled and taped up.  Then a standing mammogram to check position correct.  I then had to drive 10 miles (or my hubby did) to hospital no 2 for surgery.  I went down to theatre at 3pm, back on ward by 5.30pm and home eating soup by 8.30pm.  I felt terrific for a couple of days then crashed.  I had no post surgery pain but in their haste to discharge me they forgot to tell me to take of pressure dressing after 24 hours.  Didn't find out till 4 days later when I saw BCN for wound check.  it was firmly stuck and she put in complaint!!  I was told to keep the lovely stockings on for 2 weeks!!! I lasted 24 hours.  I was told it was ok providing I was fully mobile.