First oncology appointment.

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I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with invasive duct breast cancer and a cancerous lymph node, grade 3. I was told I have to have 24 weeks of chemo before any surgery to remove the lumps. I have no idea what to expect at my first appointment and am just expecting more bad news. Id appreciate any advice on what to expect, just to relieve my current anxiety? 


    • I was told at my appointment with the breast surgeon and nurse that it would be chemo first rather than surgery and radio first. 
  • Just had first Oncology appointment. Meltdown as I left the 'cancer centre'. Nothing I wasn't expecting but just seemed 'real'. FECT for 3 sessions, then change of drug plus start Herceptin Injections, then radiotherapy after 18 weeks, then back onto Anastrazole for the foreseeable. Why is it suddenly hitting me so much today? Oh, and ECHO booked for 7th March 

  • My first appointment went OK. I went in terrified and came out reasonably more relaxed. Still constantly scared and every little twing or ache in my body I immediately think it's spread. But not crying so much now. Just want to get treatment started as at least then I'll feel like I'm doing something rather than just waiting for it to spread. 

  • Hi Wave tone1 

    • Glad your first appointment went ok ( as it could  have done , considering !) I have mine on 8th March and I feel exactly the same as you and I just want to get started now 


    L xx

  • Hope it goes well for you on the 8th. It's a long wait isn't it? Every day feels like it's taking forever when your waiting for a start date. I'm just waiting on a start for chemo but have my clips being put in on Friday this week. It's well hard just waiting for an appointment and not knowing when the start date will be. 


  • The waiting is flippin awful isn’t it ? Hope you had the clips in ok 

    BCN sats my treatment should start the following week , I hope do because my head is all over the place 

    L xx

  • Clips went in no problem. I was panicking about seeing the ultra sound whilst they did this. I was convinced I would see more or larger tumors. But it looked exactly the same. So it kinda gave me a bit of relief that the wait hasn't caused any change. 

    I still don't have a start date yet for chemo. I've messaged the BCN to chase it up as I'm not liking waiting on the postman to arrive. I'm getting lots of post just not the 1 appointment letter I want. 

  • Hope you’ve had your start date letter through by now ? 
    L xx

  • Hi

    Yes, 11th March. I feel like I've moved a bit from a period of just pure panic to now preparation for treatment. Getting my hair cut on Monday ready as I currently have long hair. 

    How are you coping still waiting for your appointment on the 8th? 


  • Oh good I’m glad you have a date x

    Ive been up and down , last week was better for me than this week 

    Ah that’s a good idea getting your hair cut , I have long hair too 

    Good you’re getting in prep mode , you can do this Muscle tone1 Heart️ 

    L xx