First oncology appointment.

  • 21 replies
  • 270 subscribers


I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with invasive duct breast cancer and a cancerous lymph node, grade 3. I was told I have to have 24 weeks of chemo before any surgery to remove the lumps. I have no idea what to expect at my first appointment and am just expecting more bad news. Id appreciate any advice on what to expect, just to relieve my current anxiety? 


  • I'm focusing on 1 bit at a time as for me I think it's the only way to manage this. I've also had a number of appointments all week which I have found at this point helps as it feels like I'm doing something even though it's not treatment. I've had 2 dentist appointments to get my teeth sorted in advance which were horrendous but at least its done now. 

    I'm sure when my hair is cut it will all sink in a bit more.