Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Radiotherapy

  • 14 replies
  • 272 subscribers

Hello, tomorrow I have my planning session for (DIBH) radiotherapy to start next week. I wondered if any of you have experienced any lung problems afterwards?  I believe it might be more common in smokers (I have never smoked), but that it is possible to have a cough even up to a few months later.  Obviously having a cough is the least of my problems after having a mastectomy but would be good to hear how you found it?
Wishing you all the very best x

  • On the radiotherapy chat page someone posted a link to an excellent video on what happens during radiotherapy and techniques to practice for holding your breathe here is the link x

  • Hi , I had to do the breath hold for my 3 weeks of rads 2 years ago. I found it a bit nerve racking but managed it fine. One tip - don’t drink coffee just before! I used to treat myself to a cafe visit after the long drive, but stopped having coffee as it made me a bit jittery and I found it harder to concentrate on the breathing. Also, I found the practice session harder than the actual daily sessions - they seemed much shorter. My oncologist said, like you have, that lung problems are much more likely with smokers. I’ve never been a smoker and have had no lung issues post rads. Good luck with it all! HFxxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi HF and thank you. It’s always reassuring to hear from someone that went through it and came out the other side!  Good tip on the coffee but especially on the cake.

    Stay well xx

  • Hi

    I had left breast radiotherapy nearly 4 years ago.  I was supposed to do the DIBH radiotherapy, but due to a motorbike accident at 17 and having lost the elbow in my right arm they couldn't position me for it properly, so I had to have normal radiotherapy.  I am also a smoker... 

    Not being able to do the proper technique and being a smoker - it might reassure you a little that I was 100% fine, no coughing and no difficulty with breathing.  Only a small bit of burning underneath my breast and that was about it for me.  I had 15 sessions over 3 weeks (well, 4 weeks as the machine broke a couple of times and they were tagged on the end)

    Best wishes, Lesley

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Lesley,

    It’s really nice of you to respond, thank you.  It’s quite reassuring to hear from someone who has come out the other end. 
    very best wishes x

  • Hi....

    I had my planning session for radiotherapy today but failed miserably on the DIBH technique ... I had no consistency as sometimes I was too shallow then too deep... if I had known how tricky it was for me I would have practiced & watch videos etc. But never got any guidance from oncology team and thought it was just holding my breath so.. my radiotherapy will now be without using this technique which makes me concern & worried that I may have different doses or harm to my heart and lungs but it’s good to hear a success story and hope you are still doing well. Feel a right failure as I have no excuse as I don’t smoke or any underlying chest conditions and could have cried x

  • HI

    Don't get upset over not being able to do the technique.  There was another lady when I went who couldn't do it, rather than like me - they didn't even try to get me to do it due to my fixed elbow.  

    Because they couldn't do it for me - and the other lady who wasn't able to do it, they told us both that we shouldn't worry.  All it meant "was a few more calculations for them".  

    I was worried about my heart and lungs - BUT I was reassured by the consultant that even if the radiotherapy does any damage to lungs they repair themselves - how true that is, I don't know but that's what I was told.  And they were SO reassuring about my heart and just kept telling me that they were the professionals and it was no problem whatsoever as their calculations would mitigate me not being able to do the breathe technique.

    There was one occasion when they tried about 6 times to get me in the correct position and kept coming back in to make sure I was right - they were so sweet about it as it took an extra half an hour that day, but I was grateful that they were taking so much care!

    Please don't worry as even with me being a smoker I had no lung issues since having it done and I've certainly not noticed anything wrong with my heart Slight smile  When the machine was 'on' I did just hold my breath anyway, and then breathed normally when it was off - it's very obvious when it's 'beaming' at you and when it's not - I figured, the stiller I was, the safer it would be and just carried on doing it that way when I was being done. I don't have a clue what the actual technique is, just held my breath for the time it was on.

    Just accept that it's not something that's suitable for you and trust in the radio team, rather than beat yourself up about it. 

    Kindest wishes, Lesley x

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Lesley

    What a lovely reply & thank you for the time in writing back for me. I have a great family & basically they have made me laugh how useless I was. I certainly feel a little better this eve & your supportive calm words is just the added tonic I need. Yes I'm sure the radiotherapy team will have it all under control.... it's the last hurdle to face and def on the homeward straight following mastectomy & chemo. Its been a tough year as 2nd time I have had breast cancer ... last time 14 years ago so to face another new primary this year was rubbish but remain positive again for the future xx

    Best wishes Maggie x

  • So good to hear that someone was in the same position as me. Went for my CT planning scan on Tuesday and also failed miserably at DIBH. I was sent away to practice but no that I am still not doing it right and they didn't really give much guidance. One radiologist suggested I practiced holding my breath in the bath with my head under the water - no way!!! I expect they'll have to adjust their calculations for me but am going back on Monday to try again. I see that this post is from over 2 years ago so if you are still on this forum it would be good to know now you got on with your radiotherapy without the DIBH. I have 5 sessions. Thanks.