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  • 251 subscribers


So I'm new to this and this is my first message, in September I was diagnosed with breast cancer grade 1 after my operation where they removed my lump and lymph nodes which were clear it was upgraded to a grade 2 therefore I am due to start radiotherapy....any advice on this treatment would be grateful. I'm scared, worried etc....! Blush

  • Hi. When I went to my radiotherapy planning appointment I mentioned that I had shoulder pain due to preexisting injuries and they were a bit uncomfortable during the planing appointment. I was reassured that the treatment time was shorter than the planning but she suggested I take a couple of painkillers before each appointment . I did that for 15 sessions and it certainly helped.
    Also if you are able too get to your treatment centre early I would recommend asking for morning appointments, the earlier the better . I was told it couldn’t be guaranteed but I did get early appointments and even though one day one of the machines wasn’t working the backup in appointment times didn’t affect me too much so I had minimal waiting around - made a huge difference and left me with the rest of the day clear.

    Best of luck to anybody about to start or going through radiotherapy 

  • Hi, lovely ladies, there’s a regular monthly radiotherapy thread which I will ‘bump’ so you can see/‘meet’ others going through it.

    hope it helps to see other ideas...

    Hugs xxx
