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So I'm new to this and this is my first message, in September I was diagnosed with breast cancer grade 1 after my operation where they removed my lump and lymph nodes which were clear it was upgraded to a grade 2 therefore I am due to start radiotherapy....any advice on this treatment would be grateful. I'm scared, worried etc....! Blush

  • Hi Flower42 welcome to the forum and well done on at least having the treatment past in respect of surgery at least.

    Having Radiotherapy is preventative in its nature and whilst you will not feel anything when this is being done the skin on the breast can become red and sore due to the treatment but there are creams that you can use. The Radiotherapy Unit should advise you about this before you start treatment or just ask them.

    Please don't be scared it is ok honestly. It can make you feel very tired though so be prepared for that and rest up as you are able also if you have to travel to and from the unit that can add to the feelings of tiredness. 

    Meantime  Im sure some huge big hugs wouldn't go amiss so Im sending some your way.xxxxx


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  • FormerMember

    Hi Flower42, I’ve just had my surgery ( have been told it was grade 1 so hoping for no change there Fingers crossed tone1 get my results next Friday ) I then know I have to start radiotherapy - think around January. 
    Know how you are feeling as no idea what to expect with radio?!  

    Im only 6 days post lumpectomy and really struggling with pain in armpit Disappointed relievedDisappointed relieved

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to GRANNY59

    Thank you so much for your reply and virtual hugs are appreciated. I was very nervous about joining this site as I'm struggling to come to terms with things but your reply has made me feel better and realise it's not just me going through this. 

    Take care x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Blush fingers crossed for your results,, I really hope it's not ungraded. My arm pain was terrible for days but I found whilst sitting or sleeping I put a pillow under my arm to support the area. I hope the pain eases soon. 

    Take care x

  • I had surgery followed by radiotherapy in 2015.  The protocol then was 15 sessions but many now just have 5 as technology has improved.  It's very easy treatment !  You basically lie there for less than 10 minutes while machine whirs around you.  Music or radio on and it flies by .

    tips-obviously wear skirt or trousers so only removing top.  Drink water so hydrated .  Start moisturising boob now.  I used E45 snd then during RT added Aloe Vera gel which I kept in fridge .  If your bras tight around bank buy bra extender from EBay though I bought post surgery bras as softest I could find as all my bras underwired as I'm a G cup !  They were addictively comfortable!  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grogg

    Hi. Thank you for your advice....aloe Vera is definitely going on my shopping list, I have been using e45 for a week or two but I'll carry on using. Just hoping my dates get confirmation soon. 

    Glad your doing well Blush

  • I bought Aloe Vera in Holland & Barrett.   You'll be fine.  The surgery means you are now cancer free the RT is belt & braces xx

  • Hi Flower42,

    I’m going through my radiotherapy at present following a lumpectomy for Grade2/Stage 2 Lobular breast cancer so hopefully this might help reassure you. My operation was August and you have to be at least 6 weeks past that before they will start the radiotherapy.

    I’m assuming every hospital will be slightly different but so far it has been far better than I expected. The first planning appointment was about 45 minutes where they do a CT scan and take lots of measurements. I had 3 pin prick size tattoos (didn’t even feel two of them!) that help them line everything up but they are tiny pinky/red dots and barely visible. Our hospital took about 10 days to get the sessions planned and set up and they try to make your appointments the same time each day.  The sessions take about 10 minutes and they will coach you about breathing as you have to hold your breath for up to about 25 seconds at a couple of points. I have treatment 5/9 today - yahoo over half way! Initially they had said 15 sessions but after some tests they came back and said 9. They will give you creams to use and I’ve found the advice and instructions really clear and easy.

    The only issue I’ve had so far is some shoulder pain when lying with my arms up on the table but I’m just keeping on with the arm exercises and keeping fingers crossed! I was 3 weeks into a phased return to work but am working from home for the 9 days to avoid any possibility of an inconvenient Track and Trace self-isolate but also so that if I start to get tired I can manage that and pace things. This was agreed in advance with my boss. 

    Hopefully it will be ok for you too and not as scary as you think. I know I’ve been scared at some point of every stage of this journey but have found that once the plan is clear it really helps as do the lovely people on this forum who have really helped me.

    Once the radiotherapy is finished I’ll resume the phased return in work but definitely basing that on how I feel. That’s the important part as it affects everyone differently - listen to your body and do what it needs and ask for help from those around you when you need it.

    Take care and sending you big hugs and best wishes for the rest of your treatment. 

    Diane x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Burge23

    Lots of great information and advice.

    Thank you


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Burge23

    Hi Diane

    Thank you so much for your message you have really put my mind at rest with my next stage of treatment. I have today received my telephone call letter with the Oncology Department so hopefully Monday I will know when things can start. I have been doing my arm exercises but I too am worried about being uncomfortable but as you I will continue my exercises to make sure. 

    I have been working from home since my operation and my boss has been amazing, she is really supporting me through this and if I log off early it isn't a issue. I have be warned that Radio does make you tired so I must learn to listen to my body.....that I'm not great with, I always want to make sure I can do everything. 

    I wish you well with the rest of your treatment and thank you again for your message. 

    Virtual hugs sending your way :) take care Nicola x