I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, but you’re not alone. You can always talk to people on here. And you also have your oncologist and chemo nurses. Prior to my chemo I see my oncologist to discuss how things are and side effects. I’m hoping you’re offered the same for your treatment. Please don’t feel you’re alone in this journey there’s always someone there. I’ve met few people and shared stories. Sending you positive vibes , love and well wishes
My advice would be to contact your oncology team and tell them how you were affected last time. One of the oncology nurses said to me “there is usually a pill to take”. When I had a rough time with my first docetaxel I saw one of the specialist nurses. Everything was recorded and the oncologist reduced my dose for the 5th and 6th doses. Whilst I still had some side effects they were not as bad. Please don’t suffer xx
Hi hope,
I had EC which I found difficult to tolerate the first week of each cycle. I had terrible gastric pains and upset. I found it got worse on the 7 day injections. After my 2nd cycle my symptoms were intolerable. I was changed from the 7 day injections to a one off injection. This made a huge difference to my wellbeing. The one off injection is not given out routinely as its more expensive.
I kept a record of side effects to discuss at appointment. Take medication as directed even when not feeling nauseous.
I found buscopan and effervescent paracetamol helped with the gastric upset pains and cramps.
Listen to your body if you need to rest or nap just do it. I found if I tried to force myself to do things I felt worse.
If you have mouth ulcers put some pineapple juice in your freezer then mush it and suck on it. My nurse told me to do that apparently there is an enzyme in it which helps. It did.
I wish you well, and a good recovery, sending hugs xx
Thanks so much it all feels so surreal. I have now got a cold sore and my chemo may be delayed if I need antibiotics I’m at the docs tmr. I have been meditating preparing myself for Friday. Hopefully all still goes ahead bloods on Thursday praying cell count is ok. The filgrastim injections have terrible side effects they gave me 7 last time something to do with cortisol levels being low. It’s so confusing sometimes xx
I agree totally the injections left me with pain in my lower back tops of thighs and the stomach cramps were unbearable aside from the toilet issues.
I’m at the doctors in the morning as I’ve got cold sores and may need antibiotics so chemo may be delayed. I’m practicing meditation to prepare myself so to hear that today was just another set back. I still have to go for bloods Thursday and speak to my medical team on Friday to see if we can go ahead.
Feels so surreal sometimes xx
Thanks for the advice I have kept a record of the side effects in my treatment book. Some were so severe I called for an ambulance. Not to sound to dramatic but when I called the ward where I ha my chemo the nurse advised I call for an ambulance as I may be having a stroke as I had pins and needles in my face. Obviously things went from bad to worse
panick attack kicked in. Hoping second time round I’ll be better prepared to recognise the side effects xx
Hi Hope,
I know it's a scary time. My partner panicked a few times during my chemo and the states I would be in with pains and gastric upset.
Others were able to sail through it and continue working.
However I am now through the other side. It was a journey so please keep fighting you will look back on it and see how strong you were.
Best to get all side effects checked out.
Sending hugs and hope this cycle is not as severe. Good luck xx
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