
  • 13 replies
  • 496 subscribers


I've recently been told I have osteoporosis, from my last bone scan

I had a therapeutic mammoplasty just over 2 years ago,and have been taking letrozole 

Has anyone refused bisophanates, I'm worried  about  the side effects of them

Many thanks


  • Hi kittycougar,

    I've had one infusion so far with little side effects.

    The day after I felt a bit achy, but I have that with the Letrozole most days. I felt a bit flu like symptoms, but paracetamol helped.

    The following day I was okay. 

    I've only had one of 6 which I've to have 6monthly for 3 years.

    I had dental treatment before commencing and so far no concerns regarding jaws. Fingers crossed

    I wish you well whatever you decide. Xx

  • Hi Kittycougar

    Welcome to the forum, I'm Daisy53 one of the Community champions on this forum.  Sorry to hear that you have osteoporosis. I've had 3 infusions so far and I haven't experienced any side effects.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Kittycougar

    My journey is Pacitaxile chemo, Phesgo, Mastectomy and now Herceptin, Letrozole and 6 monthly Zolotronic acid.  
    My first infusion was last November and I was very worried about having it and kept putting it off however I did have flu like symptoms headache achy and very high temperature - because I knew this could happen it didn’t freak me out I just took the paracetamol and ibuprofen. Some people get no side effects at all but if you do  knowing what it is and that it is short lived helps.  
    My oncologist said they will reduce the dose next time.

    Good luck with your treatment. Xxx

  • Hi Missmolly what infusions are you talking about, I am a bit in the dark here.  I thought Adcal was a  bisophanate?  Can anyone explain, sorry to sound so silly.

    Lee x

  • Adcal/Calcichew are calcium and vitamin D supplements.  They’re not bisphosphonates but are often prescribed alongside a bishosphonate eg Zometa. 

  • Sorry so they are x

  • I have had 3 treatments. The first Zoldronic Acid I felt fluey for a few days, the 2nd and 3rd I felt a bit achy for a day or two but that’s it. The nurses told me it gets easier each time. 

  • Thank you that's reassuring xx

  • Hi See, is denosumab a bisphosphonate?  I have this every four weeks.


  • No worries. All the best with it all. You are not alone xHeart