Awaiting an Oncology appointment

  • 1 reply
  • 496 subscribers

HI there everyone.

I'm a very anxious BC newbie. I had a lumpectomy on Dec 7th. I am aware that a letter has gone to the Oncology department on December 20th. I just want to know how long I should expect to wait for my appointment to discuss chemo etc. I have rung but the appointment secretary couldn't tell me and said she'd pass the message on, but I've heard nothing. That was over a week ago. All I want is a timescale. Can anyone here help me manage my expectations?

  • Hi Missbing

    Welcome to the forum. Hopefully they will be in touch soon. Once you start your treatment it all falls in line.

    I had my lumpectomy beginning of June. I had my oncology appointment mid July and commenced chemo the following week. When half way through chemo I got dates for radiotherapy so it commenced straight after. I am  now 3 month post treatment and on Letrozole for 5 years with 6monthly bone infusions.

    Once you have your oncology results. The team will plan your treatment. I was scared waiting for chemo in case it came back. The nurse reminded me that they had removed the tumour and it wouldn't return, if it did, that quickly.

    I wish you well with your treatment plan which will commence soon. Happy to answer any questions if they are helpful and can offer some reassurance.

    Sending hugs xx