Newbie with issues!

  • 6 replies
  • 498 subscribers

Hi all,

First of all, love to all affected by breast cancer. 

Second of all,HEEEEEELP MEEEEE! 

My cancer was in remission in march 2019 and I've had an oophorectomy also. I just finished the exemestane after 5 years but now I feel broken. Menopause is causing havoc with my long existing mental illness. Obviously with hrt not an option, diet and movement is not helping, no supplements I've tried help ....I'm struggling alot.

Ginger Gemini

  • Hi

    Wanted just to send a hug really, wish I could offer advice but I can’t. I’m still at the start of my journey - I’ve had the surgery now waiting to see whether it’s chemo next…….

    I do too REALLY miss HRT!! I was advised to stop when I found my lump then was told my cancer is hormone fed.

    The anxiety is back, lack of confidence in doing anything, brain fog just to name a few!!….I take Magnesium, Vitamin D and turmeric.

    Magnesium has helped a little with restless legs and sleep.

    I’m trying with my diet but because I feel so rubbish in myself, I crave sweet things/!comfort food so my weight has crept up a little - it.

    Feels like a vicious circle.

    I’ll need hormone blockers eventually and am dreading that!

    Have got no mojo to exercise, not sure really how much I should do whilst in between surgery/next stage?.

    I wish I could say ‘try this’…..and it works but I can’t.

    Just wanted you to know you’re not alone - so will send a big virtual hug instead HeartsHeartsHearts

  •  Hi Ginge50

    Welcome to the forum, I'm Daisy53 one of the Community Champions on this forum.  I'm sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019 and that you are struggling at lot.  If you feel up to it why not give the helpline a ring on 0808 808 0000 to talk about how you are feeling, they can even arrange counselling for you if you'd like.  Do you have a Maggie's centre near your or another cancer centre?  If you do why not give them a ring or call in to talk to someone, they can also arrange counselling for you.

    I also suggest that you read an article by a Dr Peter Harvey called "After the treatment finishes then what which perfectly describes the post treatment world.  I've read the article and I found it helpful.  Here's a link to the article: After the Treatment Finishes - Then What?.

    Wishing you the best of luck with the future.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Daisy,

    Thank you so much for replying and for the helpful information. I appreciate it very much and I will hopefully find some answers.

    Love & light


  • Hi there,

    Thank you so much for the virtual hug, I'm hugging you right back! Hugging

    Sounds like the same cancer that I had. I was stage 2 and managed to swerve the chemo. Just radiotherapy, which I found more inconvenient than physically difficult. 

    You can always pm me if you need to rant or need a fellow warrior to relate to you . I'm here. I'm Sam.

    Good luck with the next appointment Fingers crossed tone2Fingers crossed tone2

  • Check out Annice Mukerjhee , the menopause doc on Instagram . She has a book. She also had breast cancer .

    podcast “ menopause and cancer “ is good .

  • Thankyou kls, I'll look into it. Take care 
