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Hello I’m new to group. Waiting to hear 17/1 if I can have reconstruction at same time as mascetomy. Attended the on line seminar but curious to know if taking the fat tissue from belly caused anyone pain recovering or long term problems? Thanks for any info

  • HI I have had a double mastectomy but had implants for reconstruction as I didn't have enough body tissue. It was done at the same tame. 2 teams working together. I think what ever you have done your body isn't the same again.  

    It becomes the new normal.

    Everyone is different.  Keep asking the questions from your BCN and all the best

  • I had the DIEP reconstruction. It was painful for about 2 - 3 weeks, but the result was worth the discomfort. My surgeon was great and my tummy looks better than before the surgery and I don't regret my decision. New breast or breasts are also supposed to feel and look very natural when using your own fat to reconstruct them. They also do further surgery to make your breasts look as similar as possible if you have had a single mastectomy. Just follow your instincts, ask all the questions you can think of and do whatever feels right for you! The very best of luck!

    Lana xx

  • thanks so much Lana - thats really helpful to know - they suggested a DIEP for me too and i wait to find out on 17th if the plastic surgeon thinks it possible (luckily i have quite a bit of tummy to spare!).

    They told me I'd be off driving for 6 weeks but i am wondering how long roughly  it was to be up and about once you left hospital? Hope you don't mind me asking and realise it is different for everyone though.....I am just trying to manage my own expectations of what i can do the other side of surgery. thx again - really grateful for your insight


  • You are very welcome, Green14!

    The first week was definitely the most difficult because of the pain in my tummy mostly. I couldn't walk with my back straight for at least 2 weeks, but I was able to do things in the kitchen, move around, sit on the sofa, etc. since day one when I got back home from the hospital. It took about 2 weeks to get back to some kind of normal mobility and all the rest wise. Pain was easy to control with all the painkillers they gave me. Just ask your BC nurse and they will give you stronger painkillers if necessary.

    I would say give yourself at least 2 weeks before you start feeling better. Be patient. Don't push yourself too hard, healing takes time, especially your tummy. Most probably you will be almost back to normal by the end of week 4. Also, do plan ahead. I cleaned my place prior to my surgery, made some changes to where things were in the kitchen so I didn't have to stretch too much, etc. I have a very supportive family and that helped a lot. Don't be shy to ask family and friends for help. You will be fine sooner than you think! Fingers crossed everything goes well with your surgery! Big hug,

    Lana xx

  • Hi, 

    I'm in week 6 post op from having a diep flap from my stomach. Honestly the first 2 days for me were horrific. I spent 24 hours in recovery throwing up everything I ate and drank and in so much pain however by day 2 I was already getting out of bed with support. I stayed in hospital for 5 days and was happy to get home. I had precooked meals and frozen them prior to the operation. We also got a one cup hot water dispenser to replace our kettle to prevent my having to lift too much. I hardly ate anything after I got home because I felt full but had been warned about this so I pushed myself to eat what I had prepared and to keep drinking throughout the day. 

    It probably took me about 3 weeks until I was walking kind of up straight as where they had removed the tissue from my stomach it felt like I had a tight band around me. 

    Now I feel almost back to my normal self. I'm so happy with how my stomach looks, so much flatter than it has been in years. I'm also happy with my breast. I have to say that I found it a shock when I first saw it but am used to it now. It is slightly smaller than my real breast but only to my eyes. When dressed it looks super natural and normal. 

    I stopped taking my codeine about 3 days after I got home and then stopped taking painkillers completely after about 5 days. I didn't have much pain at all once out of the hospital it was more a strange feeling until I was walking normally. I can't say what will happen long term but for now I am happy I did it. I start radiotherapy next week so I'm hoping this doesn't affect how the reconstruction is healing as I hadn't expected to have to have it. 

    I'm happy to answer any questions from a patients point of view if you have any. 
