2 days to go

  • 3 replies
  • 495 subscribers

I've got my hospital appointment on Tuesday to get biopsy results and treatment plan. I had my recall appointment on 20 December so it's been the longest 3 weeks or so. I've been trying to get on with life as normal and put everything to the back of my mind but as my appointment gets closer, I'm really panicking. The lovely people in this forum have said once I know what I'm dealing with and have a treatment plan I'll feel better, but just now I fear the worst and feel my world as I know it is coming to an end. It's like nothing exists beyond Tuesday. I've no idea if others have felt or feel like this. It's so hard. 

  • Hi Heatherlassie,

    Yes, we have all been there. It's the worst time. Waiting for results is difficult. Our minds always wander to worst case scenarios. The not knowing is the worst.

    As you said once you have a treatment plan your focus changes to take each step as it comes. Because you are physically fighting the cancer you fel ore in control.

    Treatments are widely available, with different options available.

    Try to be kind to yourself, take each step as it comes. Try to distract yourself just now with little treats. Meet with family and friends take your mind if it. 

    I wish you well in your recovery xx

  • Hi Miss Molly,

    Thank you! That's what I'm trying to do, keeping busy whether that's being out for coffee or doing crafting at home (I make bears and do miniature Lego lol). My partner is great and happy to do whatever I need to keep my mind off everything but it's so hard. Thank you again for your words of support. 

  • Hi there; I was in your situation a few weeks ago and I know how hard it is. It’s so traumatising as so much is unknown. I had bc confirmed and then had ct scan. Thankfully it’s no where else in my body. After the call confirming this, I suddenly felt my anxiety lessen and could relax. It’s now all systems go for my mastectomy on 24 jan and next 2 weeks we have lots of appointments with pre op etc. when people said the waiting for biopsy results was the hardest time and it gets easier…..they were right. I know feel much more in control and have date for appts and there’s a treatment plan. The treatment nowadays is fantastic. My mum had bc 30 years ago and the difference is huge. Even down to it being a day case (she was in hospital for 4 days) and now there’s technology to confirm if chemo is beneficial. I’ll be thinking of you with your results, keep busy and try and get your thoughts down on paper. Also phone the MacMillan support like or breast cancer now. I was phoning them everyday. They are lovely. Take care xx