Recent Diagnosis

  • 16 replies
  • 497 subscribers


Callie here.  I have been recently diagnosed with Stage 2A, Grade 3 breast cancer this Summer.  I have just had my Oncotype results back and unfortunately I am borderline at 26/100 with the dilemma of whether to have chemo or not?  Any advice or similar experiences welcome!

Thank you 

  • Hi Callie so sorry to hear about your diagnosis x I was diagnosed with stage 2b breast cancer 4 years ago, 22mm tumour that had spread into one lymph node. Grade 3. My oncotype was only 16 but that was borderline for my age at the time (49). You haven’t mentioned how old you are as this has an impact on the score x I didn’t have chemotherapy but had surgery and radiotherapy, should you decided to go down the chemo route not everyone has bad side effects xx

  • Hi Callie,

    I was diagnosed grade 3 also and offered and accepted EC 4 cycles of chemo 3 weeks apart. It was hard going but doable and I lost my hair.

     Losing my hair wasn't as devastating as I thought it might be. I chose to accept the chemoc as I wanted to give myself the best chance of recovery.

    I think everyone journey although similar is determined by their own diagnosis. Although the consultants won't tell you what to do they recommend as part of treatment chemo was more effective to recovery in my case.

    I wish you well with your recovery xx

  • Hi Cazh24

    Thank you for your comments.  I was diagnosed two months ago at the age of 65.  I am trying to find the difference in recurrence rate between 25 and 26 which I cannot find anywhere!  I have been offered 4 cycles of chemo instead of 8 which suggests that they have assessed my risk with some sort of data, I just would like to see this so that I can make an informed decision. xx

  • Hi Missmolly

    Thank you for your response.  It is interesting that you were also Grade 3 which perhaps is significant?  Yes, losing my hair would be the most frightening and scary part of it frankly..  It is really my best part, apologies for the vanity.  I can see the sense in having this but I am also mindful of the risks of chemo too.

    Best wishes with your recovery too! xx

  • Hi Callie, I was diagnosed with a grade 2 ductal cancer this year at 44 . After a mastectomy my oncotype came back as 24. I was also HER2+ and Er + and Pr +.
    They are starting me on 6 rounds of chemo and Herceptin next week. I guess my age was a deciding factor. 

    Wishing you well with your recovery xx

  • Hi MrsB23

    Thanks for your message.  It is so sad that so many women (and a few men) suffer from this disease, although I am so glad that I did not get this in my 30's...  Back in the 90's the survival rate wasn't nearly as good. 

    I wish you well too xx

  • Me too grade 3 ductsl carcinoma. 
    loosing my hair was my biggest fear. I shaved it 2-3 weeks after it started to fall as I found it too distressing hanging onto your hair. I then scalp cooled the whole way through chemo. Soon as I shave my hair grade 3 as recommended to avoid infection, my hair stopped shedding. I did have bald patches though. It’s tough not going to lie but you get through it. Once I finished chemo, my hair started to thicken and grow. 
    scalp cooling is deffo worth doing, it protects your hair follicles from the chemo. 

  • Hi Chezzabell72 

    Thanks for your message.  I'm still undecided (Oncotype 26) and am awaiting a second+ medical opinions as it is so close to the borderline.


  • Hey, yep me too, spread to one lymph node. My score was 36 so had to have chemo.3EC and 3Docytaxel. I was 49 too. 

  • Undecided whether you want to have chemo?. It is 26 is the cut off isn’t it