New to this... E5, M5, U5 diagnosis in referral letter

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So, discovered a lump in left breast,  reassured with 2 week referral from gp, reassured again with hospital visit at weekend, normal mammogram then 3d mammogram then further mammogram after 2 biopsies and marker inserted.   Consultant appt received today for 2 weeks time however just received email letter stating E5, M5, U5 diagnosis - not going to lie, this has scared me so, wondering if anyone else has experienced this and how was your journey/outcome?  Thank you for taking the time to help/reassure me x

  • Hi Cavylady68,

    Sorry to hear you are stressed by an email letter prior to being able to speak with uour consultant.

    Depending on cancer type will depend on treatment plan. 

    It's scary when you first have tests and scan. It's a lot to get your head around.

    I didn't receive any email letters. Mine was a phone call backed up with a letter. I then had 2 weeks to wait to see consultant for treatment plan.

    My plan consisted of lumpectomy and removal of sentinels nodes. Followed by chemo and have just completed radiotherapy today. I am now on hormone suppressants for approx 10 years and to have bone infusions.

    I was diagnosed in May and can now see a light at the end of the tunnel.

    It's a scary journey, so be kind to yourself. Don't use Google ask the macmillan nurses and cancer care staff any questions you may have.

    I wish uou well on your recovery. Take one step at a time. If you do require treatments they are so much more advanced now. Sending hugs xx

  • Hi Cavylady68

    Sorry you have received a diagnosis, especially in this way. I was told at an appointment two weeks after biopsies but I knew it was going to be cancer from the way it was at my initial clinic.

    Your treatment plan will depend on the type of cancer and results of further tests. Mine was ER+ and HER- and I had a lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy, radiotherapy and now on Tamoxifen for 5 years. My outcomes have been good, I was diagnosed in February and am completely back to normal, dare I say even better. I know this seems unimaginable immediately following diagnosis, but I rarely even think about cancer now other than to comment on a couple of forums to hopefully offer some reassurance or hope to others as I appreciated others sharing their experiences with me.

    It is a scary time, but the fear of treatment is usually much worse than the reality from what many people say. Mine certainly was. Once you know more you’ll know what you are dealing with and I guarantee you’ll feel better once you have a plan and know what is happening and when. People are here to support you and answer any questions, all you need to do is shout.

    Good luck with everything. x

  • Hi there, 

    I'm sure that you've seen the grading system,  but here is a link:,M5%3A%20cancer

    The M is for mammogram and the U is for ultrasound.  

    Your treatment will depend on the type and grade of cancer,  which is why they take biopsies. The most common is ER+ which may or may not also be PR+, there is HER2+ and also some are none of those or all of those.  It can also be grade 1 (slow growing), 2 (average) or 3 (faster growing).

    You will find out more at your appointment when they should have all that information and can tell you what they plan..  Survival rates for breast cancer are very good on the whole and many women make a full recover afterwards physically.  Until you get the results there are isn't a lot you can do apart from learn about it in a general way.

    The waiting on results is horrible - the worst part! -but once you start treatment it we'll become easier.


    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,