New to the group - invasive lobular carcinoma diagnosis

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  • 491 subscribers

Hi. I have recently been diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma, which I have been told is not the “usual” cancer found in the breast. After undergoing a wide range of scans and tests etc I now have my treatment plan. I’m having a sentinel lymph node biopsy tomorrow and am part way through meetings with surgeons about the mastectomy & reconstruction. I have also been put on Tamoxifen. Quite a whirlwind of a process, but pleased to have had the full works of diagnosis and now moving forward with treatment. I’ve recently found these forums, so thought I would take the leap and join in. Hope everyone here is doing ok under their circumstances. X

  • Hi, I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I was also diagnosed with invasive lobular cancer, almost 18 months ago. I had a mastectomy and I’m now on Anastrozole and I’m doing OK. It helps to keep positive, and from your post it sounds like you are. It must be a relief to have a treatment plan in place. There are a lot of  other ladies here going through this x