Chemo therapy

  • 3 replies
  • 487 subscribers

My mum is starting chemotherapy for her breast cancer next week. I am aware her system will be low and she is high risk to picking up any bugs/ germs. Any advice as a family what’s best to do as we are working, have children and busy lives but don’t want to put her at any risk either. My girls go to after school/university activities which I don’t want them to give up so should we not visit? Any advice would be grateful as we are a very close family and finding it all a bit overwhelming 

  • Hi, I have just finished my chemotherapy and have a close knit family who work and go to school. We continued to enjoy family time. I needed their company and distraction.

    Just practice some of the techniques you did during covid. If anyone is ill stay away till better. Wash your hands often when you come in. When you mum gets tired respect her need to have some quiet time and naps. I found the fatigue difficult still experiencing it. I relied on my family for shopping cooking some days and cleaning.

    Your mum will tell you what she needs Just respect her wishes. Wishing your mum a speedy recovery xx

  • Hi, I had chemo during COVID and everyone was super vigilant.  My oncologist basically said to avoid anyone who was ill and be more careful about risk of infection.   Best wishes to your mum 

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  • Thank you this is what I was thinking but just wanted to ensure I was on the right path. I wish you well and thank you for replying x