Diagnosed yesterday

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  • 483 subscribers

Hi I’m 60 and fairly fit and (I thought!) healthy…

was recalled after a suspicious mammogram…

no lump, no family history…

anyway, the radiologist 98% certain it’s cancer…

had biopsies taken from the suspicious area and my armpit

They’ve got me an appointment with the breast surgeon for 3 weeks time


  • Hi junouno,

    It's a worry, however once you know for certain the type if it is cancerous by the time you see the oncologist in 3 weeks time they will have a treatment plan for you.

    Treatments have advanced greatly. That is if you require treatment.

    Try to take one step at a time and be kind to yourself.

    Fingers crossed all goes well for you.

    Please keep us updated and plenty of support on her and from the macmillan nurses and cancer care.

    Take care xxx