Post surgery -waiting results

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I had a lumpectomy and SNB on Monday, recovering well! just very anxious about the results and what comes next. I’ve been off work 4 weeks now, signed for 6 weeks off by consultant, and although physically probably could work mentally I feel too overwhelmed by the whole situation.only had a mammogram on 18th July, it’s been a whirlwind. Was wondering if anyone else felt work was too much for them whilst waiting for results or further treatment?

  • Hi there , glad your on the road to recovery ! 
    I had surgery 3 weeks ago , 

    I took the 3 weeks off prior to my surgery as I simply wasn’t in the right headspace , I was so anxious and just “wasn’t with it “ 

    I’m due back to work next week , on reduced hours . 
    I think you have to listen to your body and mind. 

    like you say , since that first diagnosis it’s a head spin ! 
    shock, so many emotions , if you are anything like me , I was exhausted with worry . 

    I get results on Monday , how the op went and whether they need to op again / mastectomy ? 

    I'm expecting  to be tired next week , but a gradual return hopefully will work for you too ? 

    it’s hard especially when there are bills to pay . look after yourself .. exercise /walking helped me emotionally . 

    take care 

  • Thank you! Will do. xxx

  • Thank you and good luck for your results. Financial worries are the worst, I really don’t want to go back to work at all, I’m 63 so only 4 years to retirement! I’ll see what happens on 20th and take it from there! xxx

  • Thank you! I’ll keep you posted! Good luck! Heart

  • Hi  , lovely replies already and there’s definitely no right or wrong answer re work as we’re all different. There’s also the nature of the work to take into account. For me, I’d expected to be back teaching 2 weeks after my op as I’d had a previous lumpectomy (for a benign fibroadenoma) and thought I knew what to expect. This time was so different! Much much bigger incision plus sentinel node sampling, and knowing that there’d be more treatment afterwards. In the end I was off for 4 months, which took me to 4 weeks after my radiotherapy finished (which was 3 weeks back in 2019). Please listen to your body and mind, and take the time you need. It’s difficult when there are financial implications, I was very lucky to be on teachers’ pay and conditions so less of a worry on that count. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you. Yes it’s difficult financially but I don’t feel ready for work at all. It’ll depend mostly on the results next week! At the moment just very sore under arm, actual breast not too bad. This is a lovely place to chat and not feel so alone! xxx

  • I had chemotherapy first so was off work for all of that (I work in a secondary school). I had surgery in the summer holidays so went back in September. I’m waiting for radiotherapy but I’ll still carry on working. I’m doing slightly less hours but personally for me it’s been good to get back to work and feel normal again. It’s all personal preference and there’s no right or wrong. 

  • Hi Staffie,

    Sorry to hear that you've felt overwhelmed. I think it's really normal to have these feelings. Mine are very mixed! And the emotional drain of just trying to stay positive and not go into a complete meltdown is exhausting in itself! 

    We have our own public facing business and on the most part I've kept going. I'm not sure if I'd feel the same if I was working for someone else with colleagues to deal with etc. I've found it a distraction as much as anything but I am super tired and find it really difficult telling customers I'm fine... I've only told a select few that I'm not OK and explained why. I'm 62 and to be honest if I was able to I'd probably be at home like you, so I hope you're not beating yourself up about it. You have to do what's right for you.

    I'm having a lumpectomy and SNB, on Monday 30th. My brain takes me on some worrisome journeys! So I've named these thoughts now lol. I call them Worrying Wendy and tell her when I've had enough. It makes me laugh at myself, which is good I guess. 

    Hope your results come back with positive news for you.

    Big hugs xx

  • Hello, I hope you get the results soon! I had my surgery in July and all went well but I am now waiting for radiotherapy and I feel worst emotionally than ever. My consultant is waiting for the radiology date to sign me off work but I can’t concentrate and work is making me very anxious. I asked him for three weeks sick leave even if the radiotherapy is only one week because I wanted time to recover but I feel as if the perception is that I am abusing the system. I am going to insist, work stress just brings me down and is not contributing to my energy. I am worried that it will end in anxiety or depression. Go with your gut, if you feel you cannot  focus at work and it is making you anxious is better to stop now id that is an option han to wait until you feel worst. Sending warm wishes