Post surgery -waiting results

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I had a lumpectomy and SNB on Monday, recovering well! just very anxious about the results and what comes next. I’ve been off work 4 weeks now, signed for 6 weeks off by consultant, and although physically probably could work mentally I feel too overwhelmed by the whole situation.only had a mammogram on 18th July, it’s been a whirlwind. Was wondering if anyone else felt work was too much for them whilst waiting for results or further treatment?

  • Hi  , I wonder if you’ve asked your GP to sign you off? It doesn’t have to be a consultant. It was a complete mix for me…. 2 weeks signed off post op by the surgeon who did my op. Then signed off for a further month by the GP while I was waiting for further treatments (radiotherapy and hormone treatments). Then at my oncology appointment, the oncology nurse met with me and my husband afterwards to make the arrangements for rads after the discussion with the oncologist. She prepared a sick note for him to sign me off for 2 months, to take me just past the  3 weeks of radiotherapy. During rads I had a consultation with a consultant radiologist who advised me to take 4 more weeks after rads finished, as my job was very physical (special needs teacher). So I saw my GP who provided the next sick note. It was all a bit piecemeal but I definitely needed the time. In my limited experience the GPs were understanding re the mental impact of both the diagnosis of cancer and the ongoing fatigue from the treatments. In the end I was off for 4 months from the date of my surgery. 
    Hope you can get the time off that you need, love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you and wishing you a good outcome. I’m obviously lucky with my surgeon she gave me a note for 6 weeks from the first diagnosis and am going to ask for a further 6 weeks when I get the resultsFingers crossedomorrow Fingers crossed