Breast Cancer Diagnosis

  • 18 replies
  • 483 subscribers

Good evening,

So on Friday last week I was told that I have got Breast Cancer, I’m still in the early stages of taking in this diagnosis and I’ve just started on the very long journey ahead. I’ve joined this group so I can start to get my head around what’s to come, but it all feels so very overwhelming.

One of my first questions is…what shampoo would people recommend that has a low PH, I’m going to be starting Chemo shortly and I’ve been advised to use one that has a low PH but I’m not sure where to even start!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Two hearts

  • Hi Whatnext,

    Can I ask has your hair started to grow in again and if so is it like before or different colour.

    I ask because others have suggested it may grow in curly when it was straight before or a different colour.

    Wishing you well in your recovery xx

  • Hi Super strong mum,

    I had weekly chemo and started to lose my hair after about two weeks so in the end I cut it all off. I uses Avenno shampoo which is very mild and have continued to use it now that my hair has grown back.

    i am 6 months out of chemo and my hair has grown back white - but I am 76 Joy  I have had it cut twice to give it some shape and friends say that I should keep it this short as it suits me.

    my hair was always my crown & glory that was always admired but loosing it wasn’t as traumatic as I imagined it to be. I did get a wig before my hair loss so it was very like my own hair and it’s surprising how quickly it grows back.

    Hope this helps and Good luck on your journey.

    take Care X

  • Hi Skylark,

    That's comforting to hear. I had my last chemo on Friday. Just wondered how long it might take for my hair to grow back.

    Like you I wasn't to traumatised by loosing my hair. My wig is very good. 

    Good luck with your recovery xx

  • Yes I’ve got a pretty good covering now. Not quite a pixie cut but getting there. I’m 11 weeks post chemo. I used to have my roots done every 6/8 weeks and my hair was brown. It’s growing back a greyish colour but I like it. Up to now not any hint of curls. It feels soft but is straight. It was quite fine before chemo. 

    I ditched my wig from about 5 weeks post chemo, it was July/August and my head was too hot. I went back to work (in a school) week 9 post chemo and the back and sides were a good covering, my hairline took slightly longer to appear but it’s there now. 

  • Hi Missymolly

    congratulations on finishing your chemo and best wishes for your recovery Xx

  • Thank you for your reply, there are a few options so I’m now looking into what ones would work for me.

  • Thank you for your reply, at the moment I am planning on keeping my hair length but I have spoken to a friend of mine who is a hair dresser who said she will cut it for me if its what I want.

    I start my chemo next week and I’m having it for approximately the next 6 months, so we’ll wait and see what happens.

    I was worried about loosing my hair but the more I talk to people the more I realise, it will come back, this is a small part in the journey to me getting well again.