I’m new here

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I’m new here. Recently diagnosed with breast cancer and due to have lumpectomy and removal of sentinel node on Wednesday 18th September.

I live alone and although a friend is staying with me for a few nights, I’m worried about washing, dressing etc. Has anyone got any advice? 

thanks xx

  • Hi Sandancer74,

    I had a lumpectomy and removal of sentinels in June this year. I appreciate we are all different however I had no pain, just mild discomfort.

    I was done as a day case. Back home at tea time. I was able to self care and potter around the house. I was back driving at 2 weeks as this is what they advised.

    I wish you well in your recovery xx

  • That is reassuring MissMolly. I wish you well too xx

  • I had a slightly different op in that I also had mammoplasty but I was able to shower and wash my hair from the day after surgery. Was also pottering around the house and fending for myself as my husband wasn't able to get much time off work, but it turns out I wouldn't have needed him at home anyway.  

    Make sure you don't lift anything heavy on the affected side; no heavy pans or kettles or things like that, and no hoovering etc. The biggest tip I could give would be do your arm exercises religiously! 

    Best of luck for your surgery xx

  • That’s good to know. Thanks xx

  • Hello  welcome 

    I had a mastectomy yesterday and feel absolutely fine no pain . I think you will be fine maybe a meal ready when you return . Wish you a speedy recovery. 

  • Hi Sandancer74,

    I had a lumpectomy four months ago and lymph nodes removed, I finished my radiotherapy a few weeks ago, now moving forward the best I can. It is a shock when you are told and it is important you take a bit of time to let it register and sink in. The strides made in modern cancer medicine these days is amazing and they can do so much for you. However, there is so much you can do for yourself too.

    You have made the first big step by finding the Macmillan site, also do visit your nearest Macmillan centre, a list is on here, or ring them on 0808 808 0000, they are superbly helpful and give you lots of great info, do walks, talks, help with benefits, bills, open 10-4 Mon-Fri for coffee and chat and lots more. Please also get a good support structure in place, family, friends, good work colleagues, I’ve lived on my own for nigh on forty years, but realised you can’t do this on your own. I also go for a short walk every day (British weather permitting) and do a daily diary, this is mega helpful, as it gets everything off your chest and out of your system. It is important during the day to keep yourself occupied, hobbies, interests etc., it stops you from dwelling on what is going on. You may also find it beneficial to listen to a meditation podcast, they really help you to relax especially when you are trying to get to sleep. I use one called ‘Go Gently’ by Christine Elizabeth Smith, it does a lot for me. Whatever you do, do not visit Dr Google as there is so much conflicting information, your head will spin and it will stress you out, listen to your medical team and ask your breast cancer nurse as many questions as you want - also, you get great support on here.

    I know it’s hard sometimes, but try and keep as positive as you possibly can, have positive people around you and dump the negativity, above all, be kind to yourself - I promise you, you will get through this. You are never alone and can always come and chat to us shower in here.

    Keeping fingers and everything crossed for you.

    Take care and big hugs.xxx

  • Hi Rosie

    Great to hear you have no pain after your mastectomy. I have mine booked in for next Friday and am worried about the pain and recovery. Did you have reconstruction aswell?

    Jo xx

  • Hi Sandancer74 

    I had a lumpectomy and SLNB in April. I know it’s not the same for everyone, but for me it was all relatively straight forward. Couple of days feeling tired, but didn’t need any help as such, and was back to driving and the gym (gently!) after about 10 days. I had a suspected slight infection and haematoma which needed to be drained but it was sorted out really quickly and painlessly. After a few antibiotics by 3-4 weeks following surgery I felt like the whole thing had never happened. Please make sure to do the exercises, they definitely help!

    Best of luck with everything and any questions please shout. x 

  • Hi Sundancer74,

    I had a lumpectomy with removal of my nipple and sentinel node biopsy two weeks ago. I found the pain manageable with pain killers and had a shower 48 hours after surgery as advised which made me feel more human! I was told to remove the dressing but not to remove the paper stitches until they started to lift.

    I left them for 10 days and very gingerly pulled them off, expecting the whole breast to open up but to my surprise the scar was healed and the surgeon had done a very neat job. It was a bit daunting doing this on my own but perhaps the nurse will help you when the time comes.

    I bought post surgery bras from Asda (two for £16) which are really comfy. I am 40D and the extra large fit very well. I didn’t think I’d be able to sleep in them but they are great!

    Loose fitting tops where you don’t have to raise your arm too much are a must and as Sharlou has mentioned, the exercises are very important. 

    hope all goes well for you and good luck for your op. X