Hello and recovery question

  • 26 replies
  • 484 subscribers

Hi everyone. I hope you’re all doing well- so breast cancer is a bit of a challenge isn’t it? Scream  I had surgery 9 days ago (lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy) and don’t have the follow up for another 3 weeks. It’s a long time to wait. I’m healing ok, I still feel really tired and my scars are tight and itchy and sore, but ok. I am interested to know what other people have done about work. I’m a teacher. The surgeon signed me off for 2 weeks and said to get further sick notes from the GP. The thought of going back to work next week makes me feel dread, I’m not feeling strong enough. I have no idea what the expectations are around time off, and feel stressed about it. I don’t know whether others bounced back to work quickly or, like me, feel they need more time? As much as the physical recovery, I’m finding it hard emotionally too. It’s life changing stuff. 
I would love to hear from others about their experiences. Take care everyone, S

  • Thank you so much for your detailed and kindly reply. This forum has been really helpful in shifting my perspective around work, but also in feeling less alone in the journey. And I’m definitely going to start the daily diary to get all the thoughts out! 
    Best wishes, S x

  • Thank you so much to everyone who replied today. I feel so much better for sharing my thoughts and hearing about your experiences. I also feel more confident about saying what I need, which right now is definitely more time off work! I don’t want to make any decisions until I’ve had my follow-up appointment and know what further treatment/ surgery I need. 
    It’s been lovely to “meet” you all. Much love, S xxx

  • Hi  , great replies already from the fine folks here. Just thought I’d add similar sentiments as another ex teacher. I fully expected to be back at my job as a special needs teacher after 2 weeks, having had a lumpectomy many years before for a fibroadenoma. This time was so different. You can click on people’s usernames to read their profiles. I ended up off for 4 months, which took me to 4 weeks after my radiotherapy finished. I felt horribly guilty and that I was letting my staff team down but definitely needed the time. I went back on a phased return like many have said. 
    Glad you are seeing your GP soon, I’m sure they’ll have no hesitation signing you off. Love and hugs, HFxx 

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • I’m a special needs teacher too. I think that the culture in schools, especially as they are so under resourced, adds to the guilt. We’re all subject to action plans if we have 2 sick periods (I’m confident I won’t be subject to that for cancer though). But it adds to a culture where you feel sh*T if you take time off. 
    Can I ask what your phased return looked like? 
    Effing cancer! 
    much love x

  • Susoir

    This certainly is hugely life changing both physically and emotionally and unless someone has experienced this it’s so difficult for them to understand. 
    l had a Mastectomy end of January , radiotherapy and lm on Letrozole  Im  a nurse and for once in my working life , l considered myself more important than my job . lm returning next month . Please don’t rush back to work , three weeks really isn’t long enough to be considering this . Apart from physically, l found it an emotional rollercoaster and knew l just wouldn’t be able to cope .  Don’t worry about not hearing from your colleagues , l don’t think people know what to say or how to respond . Please get in contact with both your Gp and BCN for support and as someone else suggested be kind to yourself and listen to your body . 

  • Hi  , my phased return started with 2 days per week, but I can’t remember how long that was for, sorry. Then 3 days, and on my GP’s recommendation these were alternate days ie Mon, Weds, Fri. I really couldn’t face working consecutive days. School were really supportive, I was lucky, but still felt like I was letting everyone down. I actually ended up retiring early at 61 which was never in my plan pre cancer, but was the right decision for me and I know I was lucky that it was even an option.  Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi