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  • 494 subscribers

Hi all,

New to this forum, just wanted to say hello! I was diagnosed with stage 2 grade 2 IDC in April. I had WLE and SLNB in June, but at the results appointment I was told the margins weren't clear and one out of two nodes was positive. I had a cavity shave at the end of July and thankfully they achieved clear margins. 

I was told from the beginning that they wouldn't remove more nodes due to the high risk of lymphodema; the surgeon said these would be treated with radiotherapy. 

At my results appointment yesterday I was told that chemotherapy is now likely, so I am just waiting for an appointment with the oncologist to discuss. If I am given the choice I will accept chemotherapy - my mother was diagnosed aged 29 and died age 38 when I was only 8, so psychologically I think I need to feel like we are chucking everything we can at it...although, I feel SUPER silly that the most upset I've been so far has been at the prospect of losing my hair....

Anyway that's my cancer CV! :) 

Ps. Can anyone remember a time when they weren't waiting for something? Waiting for appointments, waiting for results, waiting for surgery, waiting for treatment....its never ending!

  • Hi Sharlou

    I was hoping to avoid chemo also but as grade 3 it was felt more beneficial than to not.

    As my daughter died aged 30 of breast cancer I also felt I'm still young and want to live also don't want to put my family threw it again.

    I've had 2 of my 4 cycles now. It's doable they have treatment for all side effects.

    I've lost all my hair now I thought it would be upsetting but my hair will grow back. I love my wig.

    I wish you well in treated. 

    Also remember treatments and research has moved on since your mum and my daughter. 

    I couldn't tolerate all my injections after last chemo so again waiting to see what change to regime.

    So yes waiting appears to be part of our recovery now.

    Good luck use the forum to chat the macmillan nurses and cancer care. They are all there and really supportive xx

  • Hi Sharlou

    when I was told I had breast cancer I had to have chemo first and honestly I was more upset about my hair than anything else. I didn’t end up cold capping and losing my hair wasn’t as daunting asI had built it up in my head. I went shorter first before shaving it off. If you want to try cold capping then speak to your breast nurse. And yes know exactly what you mean about waiting for something. I’m waiting for the results of the lumpectomy I had last week. 

  • Thank you for your words, and I am so sorry to hear about your daughter, I can't begin to imagine how dreadful that must be for you. 

    I'm trying not to stress too much about the chemotherapy, I just think if it's got to be done then so be it. Well done on hitting the half way point, I hope the rest flies over for you xx

  • Thanks for your reply :) I didn't even know cold capping was a thing until I did a bit of reading about chemo yesterday. I'm not sure what I think of it, I think I need to know more. 

    I think I'm a bit hung up on the physical side of things. After the lumpectomy I am VERY lopsided, I feel like I look deformed - I had/have quite large boobs so the difference is very noticeable. I keep telling myself that all I should care about is that the evil mass is gone now but everytime I see myself in the mirror I just feel a bit bereft. So stupid :/ 

    Do you have any idea when your results will be ready? Fingers crossed for a good outcome xx