
  • 6 replies
  • 498 subscribers

Hi guys 

I have been told by a friend whose wife has had breast cancer  that I should try to isolate whilst having chemo 

I work in a school and my consultant has suggested I work from home too (which luckily I am able to do) 

I just wondered how much I need to do ? Ie do I not have anyone round to the house ? Or go to the supermarket? 

thankyou x 

  • Hi Marmarb,

    I was told not to work as I work face to face with patients.

    I was advised not to go into busy enclosed spaces.

    They also said I could go to shops when quieter or to open air events like my grandsons football games but not to large venues concerts etc.

    She said to use some of the covid rules. Like wash hand when come home from being outdoors.

    Hope this helps xx

  • Thankyou x this helps a lot both of my Daughters work in schools too and they suggested they shower as soon as they get home x 

    this now makes sense x 

    Thankyou so much ! 

  • Do you also think my husband and children (grown up but living at home) should avoid going to things like football matches and nightclubs as they could bring something back ? 

  • Hi manmarb,

    My consultant advised my partner to be aware when in the office that noone was ill or had infections. I'm lucky he works only 2 days in office the rest at home.

    He is avoiding crowded places where possible but still needs to shop ect. We also need to live our lives so I'm trying to be cautious of others when out as he is.

    Your daughters and husband would need to make up their minds if they are willing to forgo these things whilst you are getting chemo. They could also limit their time in your company when they have been to events for a few days. 

    Some people continue to work through their chemo as they need to and seem to do okay with it also. Xx

  • Thankyou so much xxx

  • Good luck hope all goes well for you.
