Scared and lost Mastectomy was supposed to happen Friday 12Jul and stopped in theatre as my blood pressure too high

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  • 484 subscribers

I'm lost and scared and frightened I might not get my mastectomy now scheduled for 9Aug

I went to the docs with changes to my breast on the 11th June referred to breast clinic on 14th June and told after mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy that I most likely had breast cancer.  My world changed forever.

Then saw the Doctor for the results 25th Jun and 2 lumps both just over 2cm in same breast one grade 1 one grade 2. 

Next scheduled for surgery mastectomy and reconstruction and sentinel lymph node removal for the 12th July 

I was in the area prior to the operating theatre with the anaesthetist and they stopped it as my blood pressure  high.  Devastated, lost, feeling stupid, and much more.  Slept all day yesterday.

Rescheduled for 9th Aug with Letrozole and Blood pressure meds 

Ifeel so ridiculous  more importantly what do I do now!!!!!!   I want to do everything to make sure I am ok for the 9th Aug.  I did nothing but sleep yesterday.

I plan on going to GP Mon and call my Breast Nurse  before working out what to do about work!!! I was held at the hospital till 8PM on friday.

I know there is no magic bullet but so scared and want these lumps gone as soon as possible

I don't know why I joined this forum  I know so many people are in much worse positions than me and feel selfish and stupid

I rejoined my Yoga group online today and will start a meditation 40 day course.

Fingers crossed for Monday I get to see the GP etc and sort this out........

Thank you to anyone who reads this

  • Hi Carol Dogs,

    Welcome to the forum. Don't apologise for how you are feeling. We are all the same on here. Use this forum to vent, ask questions and seek support from those further into their recovery. It does help

    So sorry you are suffering like this, the waiting is the worst. I had to go on to BP medication also. I think my BP was a bit high before the diagnosis. The stress and worry after diagnosis makes it worse.

    My BP at appointments has lowered still on the high side but all treatments commenced. I've had op and due to being grade 3 require chemo which started on Friday so far not to uncomfortable.

    I hope your treatment plan commences soon. In the meantime also chat with the macmillan nurses they are so good at what they do and can help you to be informed and offer reassurances xx

  • How high was it. Whilst waiting to go to theatre mine was 197 over 130something. It was high at my pre op but not as high whilst waiting the op xx

  • Mine at op was 219/198 they still did my op as mine needed to be done ASAP due to grade and possible spread. I was okay. When they checked it before chemo it was 191/110 and they still gave me it.

    I think the stress and the appointments makes it worse.

    I'm sure when resting it's not as bad.

    It sure is a worry xx

  • They call it white coat syndrome x

  • Thank you so much mine was well over 200.  Gives me hope if I take the meds and I know now what's coming.    Fingers crossed.  Wishing you all the best with your chemo. Xxxx

  • Thank you, wishing you a quick treatment plan xx

  • Hi  and welcome to the forum. I’ve found it a great place for support and shared experiences. Great replies already, hopefully very reassuring. Re work, I’d consider getting signed off by GP in the build up to your op, unless you want the distraction! It’s a horrible limbo time, waiting for treatment to start. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you so much for all your lovely words and taking time to respond.  I have had great support from my GP -  Trying to be positive have been working but booking time nearer op to take care of me before it.  Thank you so much for listening - love and peace to everyone