Results from second biopsy

  • 12 replies
  • 483 subscribers

Got phone call tonight from breast clinic got appt for Monday for my results from my second lot of biopsy it was the breast nurse who called me last time it was just a receptionist feeling very anxious . Told would probably take up to 3 to 4 weeks only been 16 days hope u all doing ok x

  • Hi 

    I wasn't expecting my results till today however they telephoned with them last week. When I asked if it was bad the doc just said no sometimes they get results back quicker and they want you to have the results to not prolong your worry.xx

  • Hi 

    Thank you for answering did they give you the results over the phone .I had biosopy done over mth ago they came back not sure so had vae done to see if it is BC just very anxious xx

  • Yes they gave me results over the phone as I now need chemo. I had appointment with oncology today. All going well the rest of my treatment will start in a few weeks xx

  • Glad all going well  think it's the waiting that gets to you not being in control xx hope u r feeling ok xx

  • Hi the waiting is the worst I think everyone agrees with that. I'm like you I like to be in control. I'm feeling okay just need a heart echo before they agree the chemo. As much as I don't want the chemo I want it started so I know I'm fighting this xx

  • Yes everything to fight it xx good luck with it xx 

  • Hi!Just think positive. 12.June I had operation, I'm still not finished. 27.June I need to go to Hospital and they will tell me wich therapy I need.Now is very important for u to stay positive,change ur food,start eat healthy foods.....I was start to eat fruits and vegetables wich is the best for cancer..even I don't know in this time what I have.I start to take vitamins  D,B complex,C and I order one syrup the best for immunity. I start to put my body up and strong.I don't think too much about results..bcz what is it is,they will help me.Only what I can do it's stay positive and make my body stronger

  • Hi 

    Thank you that's very helpful and u r very positive.i have been up to now just having a wobble I think I can't change the results so just got to put the energy into whatever they say thank you for answering me good luck xx hope u doing ok xxx

  • Hi if you have to have more tests as first ones inconclusive try take that as a positive and may only be early changes which would mean caught early. The radiologist and consultant both told me it was cancer before the biopsy results the biopsy  would confirm the type. Fingers crossed its not or if so caught very early. Good luck xx

  • Hi 

    This is mine second biopsy I have calfications they look suspicious the first lot came back indeterminate so I had a vae done to take more and by surrounding area .the consultant did say probably be early if BC but then the person who done my biosopy said oh no doesn't mean that we are checking outside calfications I don't know xx good luck you to with yr treatment xxx