Breast Clinic results, the waiting is an anxious time!

  • 7 replies
  • 486 subscribers

Hey newbie here, looking for some support I guess! 

I’m 44, never had children.

On 30th April I had a punch biopsy, mammogram & ultrasound on my left breast. I’d found what felt like a large lump & my breast is very swollen, red & sore. It felt like it came on suddenly & for 2-3 days I had flu like symptoms too. My GP treated me for mastitis, and gave me antibiotics, however referred me to the breast clinic. I don’t get my results until 30th May, is this usual? Seems a long time to wait! I’m in a bit of a spin about it tbh.

Since the breast clinic, my right breast is also quite sore & there is a lump. Does seem to point to mastitis, but I’ve been googling (what a stupid thing for me to do lol), and I’m anxious!

Thanks x

  • Hi JoCet,

    I had a mammogram about ten weeks ago, then got the call back to weeks later and had X-rays, ultrasound and three biopsies. I then had to wait three weeks before I got the results that I had breast cancer, so these kind of waits are not unusual, in fact, they are quite the norm. I’ve since had my lumpectomy and two lymph nodes removed, all went well and I now await radiotherapy.

    You have made the first big step by finding the Macmillan site, everyone is like a family here. I hope that things turn out well for you, fingers and everything crossed, but it may help if you visit your nearest Macmillan centre if you ever need to, a list is on here, they are superbly helpful and give you lots of great info, do walks, talks and lots of other things. I also go for a short walk every day (British weather permitting)and do a daily diary, this is mega helpful, as it gets everything off your chest and out of your system. It may also help to listen to a meditation podcast, as they really make you feel calm - I use one called ‘Go Gently’ by Christine Elizabeth Smith, it’s easy to do and very relaxing.

    I know it’s hard sometimes, but try and keep as positive as possible can, have positive people around you and dump the negativity. You are not alone and can always come and chat to us shower in here, please let me know how you get on.x


    Take care and big hugs.



  • Thanks so much for responding sweet. Appreciate your advice. 

    I feel like this has just hit me tonight, hence joining the forum. I went through finding the lump, seeing my GP, referral to the breast clinic in a bit of a daze. I was laughing and joking with the doctor and nurses there. I tend to deal with traumatic experiences like that. All of a sudden tonight, I’m completely floored & can’t stop sobbing. Weird isn’t it?! 

    My Mum is in hospital, she had a major stroke 8 weeks ago & she would have held my hand through this. 

    I really appreciate you responding, thank you. 

  • Hi JoCet,

    No worries. I’m not surprised you were floored, you had the additional stress of worrying about your poor Mum on top of everything else.

    Try and put a good support structure in place, family, friends, good work colleagues who can help and support you and above all, be kind to yourself and take one day at a time.

    As I said, feel free to message any time, it does you good to let off steam.

    God bless and take care.x

  • Thank you BoobyBabe, 

    I feel better knowing I’m not alone x 

  • It does sound more like mastitis. Did the antibiotics help? Unfortunately for me I was initially treated for mastitis and was referred to breast clinic as well and they did biopsies etc and I got mg results just under 2 weeks later. I don’t have flu symptoms and blood tests were all normal. Good luck with it all. It’s hard not to worry but hopefully it’ll all be clear for you x

  • Thanks RKD, 

    The antibiotics haven’t helped. I’m still sore in my breast but the lump has gone down. I don’t have a rash or puckering on my skin, however my areola has darkened & my boob looks & feels really thick if that makes sense x 

  • I had a rash, my breast felt heavy and sore. It’s probably nothing to worry about. Waiting for the results is stressful but try and distract yourself and do nice things x