
  • 14 replies
  • 458 subscribers

Hi, I've just joined this group an thought I'd say hello and introduce myself. 

I started this breast cancer journey 2mths ago, agter a routine mammogram. At first, it appeared that I had a small tumour which would be treated with a lumpectomy and radiotherapy.

Several,  scans, biopsies and an MRI later, it was discovered that the diseased area was much larger and I'd need a leftside mastectomy. The MRI also discovered a small lobular cancer in the right breast. 

I'm now 9 days post surgery. Left-sided mastectomy, right side lumpectomy, with SNB on both sides. I do feel as if I'm in an emotional and physical war. I'm not in terrible pain but the discomfort seems to shift daily, especially since I started the more advanced exercises yesterday.  Emotionally,  I'm not even sure what I feel. I'm a little terrified to look at my mastectomy scar. My flat side looks alien.(I'm having delayed reconstruction (

I am somewhat obsessed with finding a comfortable bra at the moment, no success so far. 

Anyway, that's all for now. Thank you all for being here.


  • Thank you, that means the world to me! I'm so happy I found this group of amazing women. I may need you all more than ever if anything is found in my biopsy. I just hate the "hurry up and wait" phase, as I'm I know all of you have and are still going through this. 

  • Hi Shaka, 

    I have stage 1 breast cancer and had a lumpectomy two weeks ago and also had two lymph nodes removed. I’m on the advanced exercises now and they do hurt more, but you have to do them. Please don’t think of your scar as ugly, you are still the same wonderful person underneath, just going through a traumatic time. Be kind to yourself, give yours at a funny name if it makes you feel better, go for little walks if you can. I write a daily diary and find this mega helpful, getting how I feel out of my system, you will be surprised how much this benefits you.

    I got two lovely bras from M & S, they didn’t have this store so I ordered on line click and collect, got them the next day. They are in white or black, are front fastening, a little hook and then a zip, but super comfy. I have to wear my in bed for two weeks as well.

    if you have a Macmillan centre near you do go, they do all sorts and have people who can help with all kinds of things. I go for a walk each day, which I also find is really beneficial.

    Anyway, come here for a natter at anytime, we’re not a bad crowd Grin

  • Hi Boobybabe 2, thank you so much for your warm and encouraging message..

    I've just been to M n S again today and found some bras which suit. Had to size up to get the comfort I need but it's such a relief and really made my day!

    I'll  check for a Macmillan Centre near me. I've also been going walking daily and it feels really good. 

    Wishing you well with your healing. Peace, S 

  • Hi I have to go for biosopy tomorrow for calfications in my right breast it's a scary time x I hope all goes well for you .