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  • 463 subscribers

Hi, I've just joined this group an thought I'd say hello and introduce myself. 

I started this breast cancer journey 2mths ago, agter a routine mammogram. At first, it appeared that I had a small tumour which would be treated with a lumpectomy and radiotherapy.

Several,  scans, biopsies and an MRI later, it was discovered that the diseased area was much larger and I'd need a leftside mastectomy. The MRI also discovered a small lobular cancer in the right breast. 

I'm now 9 days post surgery. Left-sided mastectomy, right side lumpectomy, with SNB on both sides. I do feel as if I'm in an emotional and physical war. I'm not in terrible pain but the discomfort seems to shift daily, especially since I started the more advanced exercises yesterday.  Emotionally,  I'm not even sure what I feel. I'm a little terrified to look at my mastectomy scar. My flat side looks alien.(I'm having delayed reconstruction (

I am somewhat obsessed with finding a comfortable bra at the moment, no success so far. 

Anyway, that's all for now. Thank you all for being here.


  • Aaaaw I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve also recently had a mastectomy with lymph node clearance. I’m still on the first set of exercises which is only now starting to get a bit easier. My scar is still under the bandage. Not seen it yet but scared about when they take the bandage off. I brought some bras from M&S but not tried them yet as can’t fasten the bras due to arm stiffness. I’ve heard good things about them but some people on here said they weren’t as comfortable. Didn’t want to spend a lot as may need some more in the future of a different size (smaller or bigger as pregnant too) 

  • Yes, the nurse removed my pressure bandage on Monday and my Sis removed the dressing yesterday. I'm taking the steri strips off today. Planning to go full frontal in the full length mirror. Scared but committed to self-love.

    As for bras, I've never thought so much about them in my life! I'm sure it gets easier, as things heal, are less sore and the swelling goes down.

    I'm imahine it must be a lot for you to be going through this whilst pregnant too. Sending you all the healing hugs. PeaceV tone5 

  • I hope your recovery goes well. Wishing you the best

  • Hi , I’m so sorry you find yourself on this journey.  I found where they removed the sentinel node the most uncomfortable and sore to cope with.  I used a u shaped pillow you would use for your neck on a flight for under my arm. It should ease after 10 days.  I found the most comfy bra is one from M&S a bit like a sports bra or cropped vest.  I was fortunate to get them in the sale.  

  • Hi there! I'm new to the group as well, and I'm really sorry to hear about what you're going through.

    I joined this forum because I recently had a routine mammogram, and they found group calcifications in my right breast. Now, I have a needle biopsy scheduled because of it. I don't have any lumps, but my breast tissue is very dense. My biopsy is set for Monday, April 29th, and I've been counting down the two weeks until then. It's my first biopsy, and I'm feeling incredibly scared. I'm hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. My intuition is telling me that something isn't right, and I've been experiencing pain on my entire left side due to shingles, which I had before discovering the need for this biopsy. I'm sorry for going on, but I'm really scared, and I can't seem to stop thinking about it. Additionally, there's a history of cancer in my family—my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer at 25, and my grandmother had breast cancer at 75 on my mom's side.

  • Hi Marathon Mom

    Welcome to the forum and I’m sorry to hear that they found calcifications in your right breast. No need to apologise for going on as a diagnosis of possible breast cancer is scary.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your biopsy on the 29th.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi, I am in a similar time frame to you. Left mastectomy and lymph node clearance 8 days ago but nothing on right.  I have found the M &S. Soft cotton bra with pocket to put the temporary prosethis they gave me quite comfortable. Had to reduce the stuffing in it. I had no pain just a bit sore and am doing the exercises OK. I was given a small v shaped cushion to put under my arm which I have used all the time. Drove the car to the shops this morning which was OK. It must be much worse having both sides.  Hope you continue to improve, next wait is for path lab results. Thinking of you.xx

  • Thank you very much for that. My under arms are sore too. I'll try the u shaped pillow. Peace

  • Hi, thanks a lot for your reply and the bra tip. Yes, having both sides is a raw deal luckily I'm not having much discomfort on my right side and can even sleep on it.

    Best of luck with your results, S 

  • Don't be scared of biopsy you hardly feel it as they numb it. You have a lot to cope with shingles as well. You will feel much better when you know, I have found everyone very supportive and they have so many different treatments now a days. Thinking about you