Recently diagnosed with breast cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 464 subscribers

Hi everyone,  

Diagnosed with breast cancer and saw the breast cancer surgeon on Friday.  She said the cancer was hormonal and appeared to be small but need and MRI scan to check the size before operating.  I'm having the scan next Friday and depending on what the scan shows , I will have either lumpectomy or mastectomy. She mentioned treatment of radiology/hormonal treatment or chemotherapy.  Can't remember much after that. 

Trying to find out more about the treatment and what is best thing to do but finding it difficult at the moment.  I don't think I know enough to make any decisions. My heads all over the place, I feel as though I've been turned upside down and inside out.

I feel so alone and would love to hear from you.Crying cat face

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pariscat

    I was diagnosed with the same on 29th July 2020 aged 42. I've had lumpectomy and have started tamoxifen hormone treatment, awaiting radiotherapy. 

    Just take each step at a time and it all comes together. 

    Hope you OK. Its a scary time but you will get there. 

    Fingers crossed for you x

  • Hello Pariscat,

    I'm sorry you find yourself here but you have come to a good place to get answers to questions or just sharing your thoughts and feelings,as most people who post here have some experience of the situation you find yourself now in. You never need feel alone again.

    Almost everyone who posts here has been in the place you are now and we totally understand. The news of having cancer is a shock to everyone ( even those who were anticipating it) and having to wait for further tests and treatment plans doesn't help. Strangely, most of us agree, that once you have a treatment plan and really know your situation, things do feel easier as we feel as if we have some control again.

    You ask about treatment but I don't think today is the right one for specifics. There are so many variables depending on the results. As you yourself said, even the surgeons and oncologists don't always know at this point which direction isxmost suited for your results. 

    There are two important things to do ( or not do!)now. Firstly  Don't  Google. Usually years out of will terrify you.

    Secondly, always remember that Breast Cancer is extremely treatable nowadays and the full recovery rate is high. I myself had my diagnosis in 2015 and am still fine. 

    When you know more about your exact treatment there will be information on this site to explain things accurately and always someone on the forum who has had/ is having the same and can offer practical help too.

    I don't know if you allowed to take someone with you next time you see a doctor( I know Covid has caused problems) but definitely take a notebook. The things you describe in your post sound very usual treatments which I 'm sure you will be pleased to know.

    Whilst you are waiting for final results perhaps you can do something interesting or pleasant to take it away from your thoughts. I was lucky as we had a short holiday booked and doctors encouraged me to take it. I didn't really stop worrying ....we're all human. I don't  think I'd actually believe a person who said they hadn't  been concerned.....but there were times when I was distracted. Perhaps lunch with a friend or some shopping where you treat yourself?

    Keep in touch now. For a chat, serious or humourous,  there is often someone posting on the Awake thread. Don't be on your own. No one minds if you want to cry, or rant or just express bewilderment. We'll answer what questions we can or help you look for the answers and if you just need a ' virtual' ear, we can be there too. There are puzzles and fun competitions and often beautiful photos on the Walking Back to Happiness thread. 

    I hope all goes well with the MRI scan on Friday but if you need to chat before then.....don't  hesitate. 

    Cyber hugs......

    Love Karen

    1. I
  • Hello , Just to say that we are all there for you however you want to react-how you are feeling at the moment is absolutely normal and will all become clearer when you have a proper treatment plan in place. In the meantime be kind to yourself and do things you enjoy whatever that is. I can only echo what has said , she is a very wise lady  and puts things so clearly and with the understanding of being there and buying the t shirt! Sending you big hugs xx Kwissy

  • Thank you ... fingers and toes already crossed!!

  • Thank you Karen. Your words make perfect sense to me..... I will do my best to carry on and hope for the best!!

    Love Sue

  • Thank you Kwissy.  Sue xx