Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

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  • 488 subscribers

Hi really don’t know what to right. I got diagnosed on Tuesday with breast cancer. My ex partner dumped me five weeks tomorrow. I have texted him to tell him he’s read it but nothing from him since I left. I found the lump when I was with him couldn’t tell him long story why. I don’t want anything from him just wanted to get it off my chest. His family broke us up long story I can’t talk about it. Am back with family no support from them a family friend who is a male who 61 taking me to all appointments etc. Then I have the MacMillan nurse as well. None of it from the start with the biopsies to now has sunk in. It looks like u had cancer when I was with the ex. Got my appointments and dates through but I wish it would sink in. Have leaflets to read try yesterday but put them away again. I feel very lost and just feel am in a dream. I just don’t know which way to turn or when it will hit me 

  • Aw that's a hard, but maybe he wouldn't have been supportive. It took ages for it to sink in with me, even after my op, I felt a sense of unreality. Having someone to take you to appts is the main thing at the beginning. It is scary but there is no choice, I just put myself forward for whatever they suggested. It's 16 mths since my op. Wide local excision and 30 lymph nodes removed. 

    Keep going with some routine, it's what holds us together. I walked as much as I could. They suggest 5 x 30 mins weekly, if you can manage it. This site is a great support for when feeling vulnerable or needed some advice for all the wise women on hear. 

    Take care.

    Christine xx

  • Here I meant, I can spell, just need to check what I have written

  • So sorry to hear about your predicament. I'm a 53 year old male and due for a mastectomy and lymph node removal next Friday (12th). I am nervous as hell. I know you're on a rough ride but please think positively if you can, and in the end you will prevail, I'm sure!

    P.S I have been on the men with breast cancer thread but there aren't many posts tbh, which is why I'm here

  • So sorry to read what your going through but keep positive I was diagnosed Sept 21 had treatment radiotherapy and now on a trial tablet ,do everything asked stay strong and you will get through.As far as ex maybe it's for the best life can be hard but we have to get on and push on .I wish you all the best  

  • Hello, 

    Im sorry you find yourself here also. 

    i know what you mean that you feel like you’re in a dream. My diagnosis still doesn’t feel like reality. I was diagnosed on 15th feb this year. Invasive ductal carcinoma. Ive had therapeutic mammoplasty on the breast with the tumor 3 weeks ago. I get the results of the surgery next week.

    there is no right or wrong way to deal with this. My advice is to take each day as it comes. You will get through this! Your ex sounds like someone you could do without right now. Try to focus on yourself, look after yourself & try to remain positive.. 

    sending best wishes.

    Paula x

  • Hi, Sorry you have found yourself here. A recent break up and a new cancer diagnosis is a lot to deal with without much support. From a cancer point of view, it gets easier once you have a plan. Is Huggingere a Maggies  center near you - they were a great support when I needed a walk-in chat and there are groups to join where you might find support. I couldn't read the leaflets for a while, either anHuggingthen only bits. This forum is a good place to come and vent and get support. Sending Hugging and Pray tone1

  • Hi,

    Sorry there wasn't much on the men's thread, but it's nice to see you here. Good luck with your surgery next week.

  • Hi so try not to stress yourself out to much as long as you're with family you've got support he wouldn't have been any use to you I've just been diagnosed with breast cancer last week I'm just looking at the positive really im having a mastectomy I'm ok with that though I do want reconstruction but for now I'm just letting it sink in I know how you feel it's awful no one wants that news but you can always talk on here it helps a lot to talk to others that have been through it