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I attended the breast clinic on weds following a GP ref. My GP told me she wasn't worried about my fatty blob (I don't know how to describe it, def not a lump just looked like a bit of flab that didnt sit in my bra properly) so off i went thinking it would all be ok. Even the Dr at clinic said she wasn't worried. Thought it was maybe my gland reacting weirdly to my HRT. Off I went for a mammogram, all ok, then a scan and that's when it all changed. The waiting game is awful. I feel in limbo. To be told you have cancer but need to wait for the results/grade etc and your care plan doesn't seem fair. This is the longest two weeks ever. My mind wanders to the absolute worst case scenario and I'm scared. Any tips? I tried to have a 'normal' day today but i ended up sobbing in the supermarket. I don't know how I should be feeling or acting and to make things worse, I need to wean off the HRT! Rant over, thank you x

  • There is no right or wrong way to react. We've all been there. Cry, shout, rage all you need to. 

  • Hi

    I went through the same thing, dp wasn't worried about my lump, but to be sure you recommend I go to the breast clinic, didn't expect it to be the following week,  doctor was nice and again recommend I have a mammogram and ultrasound.  Gave me the forms and I just thought I would be sent an appointment, nope had the mammogram there and then and then straight for the ultrasound and biopsy, it was all a blur and it was as if it wasn't happening to me. Knew I would have to wait and again that was a long 2 weeks, felt like about a year. I got my appointment on Tuesday and got the worse news ever, it was the dreaded C.

    He talked me through what would probably happen, again just seemed to say yes and no in the right places. Wanted to send me for an mri scan,  again thought it would be a couple of weeks, no that happened on Wednesday. 

    Now I have the worst bit waiting for the next step. I am trying to get on with things and trying not to stress.

    Once you know the next step it might be easier as you know which way to turn. 

    Just remember you are strong and stay positive x

  • Hi,

    I was in your boat in October- was referred by my GP. Mammograms and biopsies followed, was told it was breast cancer where I had the lump but my 'good' breast flagged something.  A double whammy! Fast forward two weeks biopsies confirmed cancer where the lump was plus lymph nodes but the bonus breast was inconclusive.  Two more biopsies followed over the 4 next weeks. It was confirmed as precancerous. Five days before Christmas I was told that a CT flagged no spread but there were two nodules on my chest wall that needed to be removed. On 24th January 2024 (my 53rd birthday) I had a lumpectomy,  masectomy and full lymph node removal.

    I am now 16 days post op and have had my results day today. Annual mammograms for 5 years, chemo and radiotherapy to follow for the masectomy side.  Hormone blockers and 6 monthly bone injections.  I should be done by October.  The waiting around isn't great but there is a reason as they want all of the information before they start treatment. 

    Good luck over the coming weeks and remember to use this site to ask any questions you might have x

  • Hi

    Thanks for the reply, I know about waiting and it's the unknown that makes my mind wander.

    I'm glad you are OK and getting treatment you need, although I don't mean good in that way.

    I am using this site as much, and is reassuring by others going and been through it.


  • FormerMember

    Hi there. I'm sort of in the same boat as you.

    I went for a small lump check and was told by the consultant all felt OK and he discharged me but sent me for a routine mammogram and ultrasound. That's where it went from 0 to 100 in the space of an hour.

    3 biopsies taken including lymph node which is puffy and sent back into the same consultant who was suddenly concerned and sending me for an MRI ASAP and discussing cancer treatments going forward should my biopsies be positive. 

    I've googled myself insane and felt sick, cried and been positive all in 24 hours. I'm sore, tired, aching and naturally worried sick. 

    I hope we both get through whatever comes at us. We got this. 

    Rae x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ShazzaL

    Wow, I'm so sorry. Reading your posy was hard and I hope you can get through it all. X

  • Sorry you’re in this club, but we’ve all been here for some reason or other and will share any advice, support and love when you need it.

    Wait till you know what is going to happen, then you will get carried along with the routine.

     I wish you lots of love and luck.

    But please stop googling- it’s the worst thing you can do.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Trentender

    Thank you, I've stopped now as it doesn't make it easier and won't change anything. Now, I wait. 

  • I agree google is not your friend.

  • Hi, I went through the same experience in December. The waiting is the hardest part, the not knowing. 
    As others have said there is no right or wrong way to react. Our bodies have a way of releasing our emotions when we least want or expect it but for a reason.

    Write down any questions you have to ask and be kind to yourself Hugging x

    Alfie 24