Letrozole side effects

  • 32 replies
  • 484 subscribers

I started taking letrozole in the middle of 2022. In the last few months or so, I’ve been feeling phenomenally tired, nauseous and am always cold. I went to see my GP in November and she did some blood tests but they were normal. I’m wondering if it could be letrozole but it seems a long time after starting it for side effects to occur. Has anyine else experienced this?

  • Hi Stella I started taking it in July and I have had an awful time with sore joints and fatigue As others have said the fillers in the cheaper one's can make the side effects worse it is well documented. I spoke with my bc nurse and she wrote to the gp to ask if they would consider trialling me on the branded one called Femara and there is a big difference in my case for the better. Not all gp practices will let you have it because of the price difference. There are different types of aromatase inhibitors that you can discuss with your bc nurse about giving them a try. Jxxx <3

  • Thanks so much for your reply and I think I’ll see my GP about getting g some anti nausea drugs

  • I didn’t know about the fillers in the pills! That’s very helpful. I’ll take a look at mine and talk to my GP. 

    Thanks so much for your helpful comment

    • Thanks Catmandu! I’m def going to see my GP about whether the version of letrazole that i’m taking may be making the side effects worse
  • Hi there.  I was on letrozole for a quite a while after lumpectomy and radiotherapy in Jan 2022.  I was fine for first few months but gradually got worse with side effects - really bad joint pain.  I tried different brands, temporary improvement but have now swopped to Anastrozole.  Thought it was better at first but am now experiencing low mood and anxiety.  Anyone else found this? 

    Also dare I ask about labido ?  Mine is none existent, presumably due to oestrogen reduction. Anyone feel the same, any recommendations?  

    Thanks everyone.  

  • hi there I was taking letrozole and was having the same trouble, joint pain,etc then tried anastrole too ok for a few weeks then like you I had low mood more joint pain I felt like an old women spoke to oncology and was told if I stop taking the hormone blockers, there was a 5% chance. The cancer would come back or if I took them there was a 2% chance it would come back I would rather have a happy pain-free life. It’s been four months now and I feel great. Hope that helps it depends on what kind of breast cancer you have had I had HER2 positive talk with your oncologist, see what they have to say. Best wishes XX

  • Hi Fiona.  Thanks for your response.  Interesting that we seem to be having the same experiences.  My cancer was HER2 positive too and I’ve read those statistics before.  I did consider coming off meds altogether after letrozole but thought I’d give anastrozole a go.  Certainly food for thought, thanks for sharing your experience.  
    I have my 2nd annual mammogram soon so will review again after that I think.  
    Glad you're feeling better now.  If don’t mind me asking, did you find the same experience in relation to labido? 
    thanks again  xx

  • Yes libido non existent I was on HRT before all this lot started last year, so I’ve come back down to earth with a big thump and straight into the menopause. What a nightmare not only do you put up with the chemotherapy, the radiotherapy the surgery and no the menopause on the plus side, we’re still alive we must enjoy our life and not put up with the pain that these horrid or hormone blockers give us I wish you well. Take care XX 

  • Thank you!  It does feel better to know someone else is having / had the same experiences.  Great that things are improving for you now.  

    Wishing you all the very best.  Take care 


  • Hi there, yes I have the same side effects was you with the Anastrozole.  My gp had to put me on medication for the anxiety and low mood. The anxiety was horrendous!