Hi all. Post lumpectomy for primary breast cancer and DCIS. Radiotherapy in the new year. Not going to lie, it's been tough, I went back to work and hardest part is my boss had a family member who had cancer 'so much worse' so 'you must be fine, right?'. I'm trying to be fine, its made me feel pathetic. I know I am lucky that is was found on routine mammogram but the fight is not over.
Hello Marley and sorry to hear this. No one knows what cancer is like until it touches you x You are going through a lot and we can’t just forget about it when treatment stops. It will be hard but I would ignore the comments and just get on with my job, after all you’re there to pay the bills and enjoy life, not to see them. If it does get out of hand I would definitely involve HR and Occupational health team. Rise above it unless it effects you then get some further support x x x
its frustrating that breast cancer is seen as so much less scary than others, yes more are surviving which is excellent, but we still go through treatment and have a complete change of our lives, and after effects.
don’t feel pathetic if someone else has ‘worse’ cancer, because i ghave found peoo,e who have some sort of disease with this, never want to be seen as better or worse, we are all in it together. hugs and people who don’t have it don’t and can’t understand.
That is infuriating. I hope it was just an unfortunate, badly phrased 1 time comment and not the general stance your boss has.
If it happens again i would involve HR. Part of the journey includes mental wellbeing and that is achieved by positive and supportive people around you.
I agree but I feel those who haven't had it or lived with it through someone can't understand. I do get asked something like are you over it now. I no longer get irritated just tell them sometimes you don't get over it that quickly. You have the medication and annual mammograms to make sure it isn't coming back. Hormone blockers do have side effects. I was told when I asked at the 2 nd follow up to stop Tamoxifen when I go on holiday 2 wks before and 2 wks after to reduce the risk of blood clots on a flight . If I hadn't asked I wouldn't know.
I know someone who did get a blood clot after a long journey following a holiday. She was 17 yrs post breast cancer. Thankfully got over it ok. I am changed, more aware and prob more health anxiety because of it.
I have an Autistic Young man in my life, no one really understands unless they have a family member who has a similar level of affect. X
Thank you. I am fighting the good fight, everyone else has been genuinely interested and caring.
I think it's likely that I'm taking time off, 4 weeks before surgery because of stress and then 4 weeks after. A long time to be away , I get it, but is not like I just had my appendix out!!!
Anyway radiotherapy next week. And a whole new year to look forward to.
No I agree too. My boss has been blessed with good health.
I'm just doing my thing now with my amazing husband by my side and my kids cheering me on.
You are doing a fantastic job. Thank you for the info about clots, I will definitely check that out with Anastrazole. Although no holidays abroad this year sadly.
Such a lovely group. I'm glad I checked it out xxx
Well my mental health is shot anyway
This is not helping. But I know who I can rely on now.
Thank you and best wishes
You are totally right. It doesn't make any difference what disease you have, we all do it differently. I know I'm lucky but it's still raw.
Best wishes
Someone told me that you have the same rights as a disabled person post cancer treatment. This is as far as work goes. Maybe for the first year, I'm sure someone on here could tell you more. A quote from someone I met at the Macmillan centre to someone at work ' I've had cancer not a cold.' x
Hi, sorry you find yourself in this situation. Yes you are covered by disability legislation however in reality this doesn’t seem to work. We are offered phased returns or adaptations to get you into work as soon as possible. I was getting phone calls from welfare branch (part of HR) every 6 weeks asking how I was, if my treatment had finished and what my intentions were in relation to returning to work. I Was offered medical retirement which I was then turned down for two months after my radiotherapy. I’m on Anastrozole for minimum 7 years. In a lot of pain and just struggling day to day. I’ve been off work 15 months now. I’m appealing the decision and if I don’t get it I am being dismissed on inefficiency grounds. This is a brilliant document that should be shared more widely
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