Currently in limbo

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Went for my routine mammogram last month. Got called to the breast clinic within 2 weeks for further tests. More mammograms, ultrasound and the 5 biopsy samples were taken guided by mammogram. Less than I week later I was phoned to be told I have breast cancer, no further details. I now have to wait for an appointment with a surgeon.

I cannot criticise the speed with which things have moved so far but now I feel in limbo, everything seems very surreal.

I have calcification which would not have been found without my mammogram so for that I am grateful, I can’t understand people that don’t go.

So at the moment I am all over the place, i need details and plans to cope with this.

Anyway that’s me, hopefully I’ll know more in the next week or so

  • That's a bit off leaving you in limbo.  Did they give you details if breast care nurse?   Take it if calcification then you have DCIS.  If you click on my name you'll see I was diagnosed with 8 years ago. 

  • In fairness I had basic biopsy results within 3 days, some people seem to be waiting weeks, at least I know. Surgeon appointment should be within next week or so

  • No longer in limbo! I have stage 2 invasive ductal cancer. October the 5th I shall have WLE and Sentinel node biopsy followed by radiotherapy after a further 6 weeks.

    Feel better now we have a plan

  • Great you have a plan but just to forewarn you it may not be as simple. I got told October lumpectomy them radiotherapy and all done by Christmas. Err no - results and tests resulted in 5 months of chemo them a break before radiotherapy. Finally fnished both mid august.

  • Sorry to hear that and glad you’re now done. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it! So much has changed since my mammogram recall less than 2 weeks ago, I can currently only cope with what I know for sure.

  • It's a relief to have a plan and it may or may not be tweaked along the way but you on your way now to sorting this cancer out.  xxx

  • No longer in limbo!

    Had my pre op on Tuesday, back today for localisation and more bloods ready for surgery next Thursday (it’s going to be a long week)

    So, 7 weeks from routine mammogram to surgery, can’t complain about that.

  • Hi,

    turns out you were right. The lumpectomy couldn’t get clear margins (tumour was 40mm and not 14mm as US) and 1 SLN was positive so I ended up having mastectomy and full axillary clearance mid November. Still at home after wound got infected (just healed) and I get my Oncotype results tomorrow. I have a hunch I will be having chemo before radiotherapy and have learnt not to think positively as that just ends in disappointment.

    i hope you are well

    onwards and upwards

  • Hi robann

    How did you get on with the Oncotype results?  Chemo or no chemo?

    I was in a similar position, yes you will, no you won't, yes you will so know that frustration all too well!

    Fingers crossed it is a no for you, but I am at the other side of 6 rounds of chemo plus 5 doses of radiotherapy and wanted to let you know that I can relate and it is all possible!

    Fingers crossed, 


  • Hi Bex,

    for once things went my way. Much to my and my oncologists surprise my Oncotype result was 9 so no chemo.

    just radiotherapy to wait for (my wound has decided it’s not healed!) and I started Letrozole last Friday 

    thanks for your words of encouragement