Waiting on biopsy

  • 13 replies
  • 499 subscribers
  1. Hello I am new to the group, I was called back after a suspicious mammogram on Tuesday, had a further mammogram ultrasound and biopsy, they could see a very small area of concern maybe 2mm and took some tissue on a biopsy I am very worried is there anyone on this group with a similar experience? how long did you wait for the results and what was the outcome.  Also I an very sore today is this normal 
  • Hello I have just joined group.  Had my biopsy 8 days ago.  6mm and was told yesterday it is cancerous.

  • Sorry to hear that what are your treatment options have they discussed them with you yet

  • No waiting for an outpatient app.  They said within 2 weeks then surgery within another 2 weeks.

  • Hi.  I was told the day I had mammogram and biopsies that they were 90% sure it was cancer.  I had to wait a week for results and then they had to redo the biopsies.  It was torture.

    The thing to learn about this is process,  I was frustrated until I found out how they work.  They generally meet weekly to discuss results as a team.  That is oncology and surgical professionals.   They cannot discuss your results if the data isn't ready.  Your breast nurse will be able to explain the process for you and it might help you know what to expect when.  

    Waiting is the worst part.  I felt like I was on pause.... stuck in time free falling.  

    Good luck and my advice is to ask as many questions as you need to until you understand it all 

  • Thank-you waiting is horrible, sorry you had to go through the biopsy process again, really hoping to get a call early next week as we are going on holiday on Friday and I want to know the outcome before then so I can prepare for what ahead either way 

  • Meant to say yes I was very sore too 

    Ask your breast nurse when you are likely to hear... they know timing and they should be able to tell you.  It's a process unfortunate and you are in it somewhere 

  • Will give her a call next week don't like to bother then too much 

  • I felt like that too but you are allowed to know. Don't feel bad.  That is their job 

  • I had a clear mammogram 3 weeks ago. I have them yearly as I had breast cancer 12 years ago. I noticed a lump a week ago and was sent to the hospital. I went to the hospital this Tuesday. The doctor said it felt like a cyst and said we will send you for an ultrasound, they did this and then said they needed to do a core biopsy! Do they do this even if it looks like a cyst? I was sent back to see the original doctor but he got held up with an emergency that had come in. The nurse told me that someone would be in touch with my results, she said they would be back by next Thursday. I’m getting myself in a right state now, thinking the worst like you do. I also noticed on my nhs app that an appt has been made for me, for next Friday to see a care coordinator at my doctors surgery But I have no idea why they have made me this appt or even what the appt is for? Can anyone help with this? Thankyou ladies xx