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Hello My name is Honey & i'm 43! 

I sadly find myself here surrounded by sadness of the news I have breast cancer!

Here's my story so far......

Jan 2022 I found a lump in my right breast, I left it for a couple of weeks as I thought it may of had something to do with my periods as they have been irregular. I was getting concerned as the lump was not going away & it was painful , I also kept getting shooting pains, I booked a appointment with my Dr on 4th March 22, I was then referred on the 2 week pathway referral. 8th March I went to the breast clinic who I saw a lovely Dr who was so understanding, he examined me and thought it may of been a cyst, on the same day  I had mammogram & Ultrasound, Pathologist saw a small mass but was unclear of what it was, He said it's definitely not a cyst , so he took 3 Biopsies & off home I went & waited for the results. 

8 days later I received a letter to go see the consultant, My heart sank & I could feel myself panicking inside! The wait was unbearable!

so on the 22nd March 22 I went to see the consultant who broke the news to me that I had a small cancer, He was very very kind & so supportive, I couldn't hold back the tears! My brother was with me as my fiance was unable to come with me due to work commitments. such a sad moment, me & my brother are so close I hated him hearing his little sister had breast cancer, broke my heart. 

Dr said I have caught it early. he ordered for me to have a MRI 3T scan which I had Friday 25th March as he wants to check if it has spread & to check my other breast.

My mass is 12mm - on my Dr's notes it says the following; Grade 2-3 invasive ductal carcinoma; ER 0/8; HER2 Positive.

The mass is M1/U3 Hence the MRI 

I am awaiting for a letter or phone call with an appointment to see the consultant with MRI results and i'm guessing a treatment plan!

Does anyone know what kind of treatment I would expect with HER2 Positive ? 

I just can't believe this is happening, I can't quite take it in , me and my fiance are devastated!

Thank you to anyone who can help me with my questions & i'm so touched by all of your stories, it's so sad we have to go through this, glad I have found this site & hope to make some friends to not feel so alone. xx

  • Hey Jo, How are you feeling ? Sounds like your quite busy at the moment which isn't a bad thing as it's a distraction. 

    Lovely your near a beach for walks, Were in Devon so we have lots beaches around us , when we move which is a 15 minute drive from us we will be in cornwall near lso nearer to looe , we love to go for walks along the sands! we are very lucky. I managed to get a full 6 hours sleep last night for the first time since finding out about bc so my head space is a little lighter today, think today I will do a little more packing, I do a little bit then I sit staring into nothing in a daze! good job we are not moving until next month gives us plenty of time to prepare. 

    How are you feeling after your 1st chemo ? sending hugs to you. your welcome for support Hugging  & Just think to yourself when your done with your treatment your hair will grow back, it's just for a short period while you get better! but I can understand where you’re coming from , I haven’t had my treatment plan yet but already been thinking about my hair falling out, I have very long brown hair,  I was growing it longer for our wedding, after buying our house we were then going to organise our wedding but that will be on the back burner now as this treatment is so much more important. 

    Hope you ok , Sending love & hugs to you Jo, Honey xx

  • Hey moosie , How are you feeling today ? Hope your ok , what time have you got your kidney test function tomorrow ? xx

  • My appointment is at 10am and I'll be there for around 4 hrs x

  • I'll be thinking of you Lovely xx

  • Thank you so much , its appreciated x

  • Hi Moosie

    Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with breast cancer.

    Best of luck with your tests and with your oncologist appointment.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you for your kind message,  you've certainly been through it . I'm so glad you're now at the other side x

  • so sorry I didn't see this message. I have never in all my life had such terrible pain due to gallbladder attacks, I'm petrified of having another one , I've had 7 attacks lasting 12 hours or more at a time , i'm worried what will happen when I have my treatment plan , scared that any of the medication will set an attack off i can't bear the thought of it!! but will discuss this with my dr when I see him. My shoulder was diagnosed as a frozen shoulder 2 years ago , it's nearly recovered it's my left shoulder , I was suffering from it a good year before having gallstone attacks. i'm not having much luck over these past 2 years! i've always been so actively fit & well all my life until I hot 40! then i've been hit with 3 different diagnoses!! it sucks!! But I will power through this! 

    Another worry of mine is that I have a floppy heart valve (mitre gurg) in which I read you may not be able to take herceptin which is treated for her2 positive I believe ? But again I haven’t had my treatment plan yet so hopefully they will take this into consideration. I haven't slept for days as these questions are worrying me, i'll be glad to get my appointment Disappointed 

  • Hi moosie how did you get on today ? Hope your ok ? 

    sending hugs x

  • All went OK today but l was up there for hours.  Appt appt at 10 am, radioactive inj at 11am and then blood tests at 1pm and 3pm. I was more upset by the £8.20 car parking xx