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Hello My name is Honey & i'm 43! 

I sadly find myself here surrounded by sadness of the news I have breast cancer!

Here's my story so far......

Jan 2022 I found a lump in my right breast, I left it for a couple of weeks as I thought it may of had something to do with my periods as they have been irregular. I was getting concerned as the lump was not going away & it was painful , I also kept getting shooting pains, I booked a appointment with my Dr on 4th March 22, I was then referred on the 2 week pathway referral. 8th March I went to the breast clinic who I saw a lovely Dr who was so understanding, he examined me and thought it may of been a cyst, on the same day  I had mammogram & Ultrasound, Pathologist saw a small mass but was unclear of what it was, He said it's definitely not a cyst , so he took 3 Biopsies & off home I went & waited for the results. 

8 days later I received a letter to go see the consultant, My heart sank & I could feel myself panicking inside! The wait was unbearable!

so on the 22nd March 22 I went to see the consultant who broke the news to me that I had a small cancer, He was very very kind & so supportive, I couldn't hold back the tears! My brother was with me as my fiance was unable to come with me due to work commitments. such a sad moment, me & my brother are so close I hated him hearing his little sister had breast cancer, broke my heart. 

Dr said I have caught it early. he ordered for me to have a MRI 3T scan which I had Friday 25th March as he wants to check if it has spread & to check my other breast.

My mass is 12mm - on my Dr's notes it says the following; Grade 2-3 invasive ductal carcinoma; ER 0/8; HER2 Positive.

The mass is M1/U3 Hence the MRI 

I am awaiting for a letter or phone call with an appointment to see the consultant with MRI results and i'm guessing a treatment plan!

Does anyone know what kind of treatment I would expect with HER2 Positive ? 

I just can't believe this is happening, I can't quite take it in , me and my fiance are devastated!

Thank you to anyone who can help me with my questions & i'm so touched by all of your stories, it's so sad we have to go through this, glad I have found this site & hope to make some friends to not feel so alone. xx

  • Hello Moosie! Best of luck with ct results i'll keep my fingers crossed for you for Monday.

    we move 21st April, we have been busy packing which has helped pass some time.

    Yes i've heard that self-employed find it difficult to get help, but we will see finger crossed I can get some sort of guidance.  

    Bet the wedding will be amazing congrats to your daughter & the wedding will be something for you to look forward too. 

    keep us updated when your chemo starts. sending you hugs. Honey xx

  • Morning everyone! very early I know but I just can't sleep with everything on my mind & we are moving home today into a little cottage  Slight smile

    Just thought I’d pop on & give you all a update... I went to see my surgeon on Tuesday 19th , such a lovely man I can't fault his approach, We had a long chat about surgery & I'm booked in for right side mastectomy sentinel nodes biopsy,  with no reconstruction next Wednesday 27th April.

    I've very happy with my decision & feel ok about going flat. I'm quite nervous about the surgery as expected but very positive it will be a success. surgeon has said as I'm Her2 positive i'm most likely have to have chemo! He also said I may not need drains but he won't know until after surgery has been done. 


    When does chemo generally start after having a mastectomy ?  

    If anyone has any advice for before & after surgery i'd be very grateful, anything I would pacificaly need ? I've ordered a back support pillow 

    Hope everyone is doing ok? Honey xx

  • Hello Honeypot, enjoy your move into new home, it will keep you busy and distracted,  I myself had a lumpectomy on the 1st if November and the lady across from me had mastectomy, we were both booked in on the 13th of December for Chemo, also I wouldn't rule out the drain as most woman I've been chatting to who've had a mastectomy all had drains in. Get yourself a v pillow and another soft one for underarm after surgery ,plenty if test and comfort, do the exercises too, these will help with movement when healing..God bless you all in your journey.  I'm now finished chemo,  radiotherapy next for me..xx

  • Hi Honey ,good luck with your op brave lady. I start my chemo on Tuesday and l feel quite nervous about it.  I'm going with my husband today for a talk at the hospital in a group session called demystifying chemo with a trip to the day unit where I'll go next week.  I'm hoping this will make me feel better about it all. The wedding was wonderful and the weather glorious. This is a picture of myself and my gorgeous daughter. She made the bouquet herself from paper flowers.  Take care and don't overdo it .

    Love Moosie x

  • Hi Honey,  

    I had WLE with sentinel nodes removed four weeks ago today (my first ever operation).  
    I’m seeing onco next week to sign chemo paperwork and get started soon after.  

    They say it’s best to wait until you’ve healed before chemo - so normally 4/6 weeks after surgery seems pretty typical. 

    In regards to what I found useful after surgery; 

    Thelma post surgery bra as zips up at front and comfy to sleep in

    Magic gel hot/cold breast compress

    Travel pillow for neck

    Hope this helps & good luck for next week.  

  • Thank you deeds for your message I did read it but didn’t have time to message back due to moving I’ve been so busy & preoccupied thank goodness as my operation is this Wednesday 27th April I haven’t really sat & thought about it until now. Started to feel nervous. I’ve ordered a pillow as you mentioned Thank you so much for the advice. Wishing you best of luck with radio sending many Hugs your way Love Honey xx

  • Thank you so much for this information I’ve ordered some magic gel compress. my apologies for late reply I’ve been so busy with moving home. Been a manic few days but lovely to be in our little cottage. 

    Thank you for being so helpful xx